Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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It’s NaNoEdMo For Me!

Five years ago right about now, I committed to my first National Novel Writing Month. I was also going to school full time that semester, and my mother had just begun her long-term downward trend.

Did I complete the writing of 50,000 words during the month of November, 2001? You bet I did!

Those words represented my very first stab at writing a novel. The next year, I made another stab with a sharper blade. (OK, never mind. I’m ditching the blood-drawing metaphor while I’m still ahead.) Totally different story in 2002, also now abandoned on the rain-slicked, dimly lit streets of Novelville and left to….oh, phooey. DIE. Left to die a lonely, grisly death!

NOW I’ll abandon the metaphor.

This November, I’m switching to National Novel Editing Month. I don’t know if there’s an official chapter for those of us who want to wind something up rather than start something new, but even if I must go there completely alone (and by there, I mean whichever coffee joint will keep topping it off at no extra charge for the most hours running…), by the end of the month, I’ll have this puppy ready to roll.

I may not blog much. I may even force myself to go on a wifi fast. I’m shuddering even as I type the words. I am SO addicted to wifi, people. But it is such a distraction, especially for O/C, mentally hyperactive folks like I am.

If you’ve got any words of encouragement for me, I could use them now. Tell me how you can go all day without checking your email or watching the funny guy in Minsk dance on youtube. Tell me that you believe I can fine-tune my novel to completion in a month, and then how you even have high hopes that I’ll turn right around and start the next one.

Really. Tell me.

Posted by Katy on 10/24/06 at 06:58 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. We CAN do it! We can DO IT! NaNoEdMo all the way!
    Posted by Suzan  on  10/24/06  at  07:26 AM
  2. You can do it!

    We'll miss you, but we won't forget about you! :)
    Posted by Chris(tine)  on  10/24/06  at  07:41 AM
  3. you can do eeeeet!
    Posted by Amber  on  10/24/06  at  08:10 AM
  4. You can do it, yes you can
    If you can't do it, no one can.

    Rah rah rah rah...

    Goooooooooooo Katy!
    Posted by relevantgirl  on  10/24/06  at  08:11 AM
  5. Couldn't we bet against you instead? :) Sorry, I was just considering the odds of you staying off the internet for November...and okay okay..."encouragement mode" as Amy says...You can do it! You can do it with one arm tied behind your back! You can do it with amazing speed and accuracy.

    Make little encouraging post it notes like a pscyho salesman...put them on your bathroom mirror...your steering wheel.."I'm going to get thru ___ pages today!" "I will finish chapter _____ today!" etc..

    Everyone will think you're nuts, but...really...how far of a stretch is that? Just kidding :)

    Actually, I have an old friend whose Dad quit his decent paying, stable career when we were in high school....and became a "Psycho salesman" doing stock trading, commodity (sp?) swapping, etc... He had notes everywhere...we thought he was insane...until he drove home in a BMW...with someone else driving the other home for his wife.

    His son actually took it to heart...he didn't put nutso notes everywhere...but he "dropped out" of our gang of friends who basically did nothing all day for nearly six months...then he "reappeared" and said, "I wanted to learn how to play the piano so I did."

    He's made a living playing the piano ever since....a good living.

    That was encouraging right?

    Not that I wouldn't consider a side bet :)

    Posted by Michael Main  on  10/24/06  at  03:26 PM
  6. Katy, you can do it. You can.
    But you can't if you're reading this comment.
    Posted by Macromoments  on  10/24/06  at  08:40 PM
  7. Well I've just gone 4 days and 3 nights without checking my email, and I'm still alive... however, I did log on to the computer almost as soon as I stepped into the house! Been away at a conference and just got back. All the best, Katy - you can do it!
    Posted by Sunflower  on  10/25/06  at  03:05 AM
  8. katy, if I were you (and since i'mlike you in the o/c, mentally hyperactive dept.) i'd give myself alittle schedule..something like - first thing in the morning, check email w/o responding to any..edit for so much time, then reward yourself with checking blogs you love, etc. just a thought...
    Posted by lisa  on  10/25/06  at  10:28 AM
  9. Suzan--We ARE the chicks! Let's do this thing.

    Chris(tine)--Aw, you are sweet. :)

    Amber--Oooh, you speak French as well as Relevant Mary!

    Relevant Mary--Freakin' hilarious. I've never cheered, nor been a sports figure upon whom cheer was lavished. I feel very special.

    Michael--That is a WONDERFUL story. A few stories like this one have appeared in my life over the past few days. I am taking them to heart and embracing the discipline necessary to make stuff happen. Yes. I am. Thank you.

    MacroBonnie--Yikes! Busted! And you are so right.....

    Sunflower--Thank you! And yes, I have been to visit your new site. I will NOT lose track of you, young lady.....

    Lisa--I think that is precisely what I will do. I do so appreciate rewards. Even an hour at a time of editing might garner me a little something in the reward dept., don't you think? Yes. A schedule. Yes.
    Posted by Katy  on  10/25/06  at  07:50 PM
  10. That's good to know, Katy. I HAD wondered... *grin*
    Posted by Sunflower  on  10/26/06  at  04:44 AM
  11. Page 1 of 1 pages
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