Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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It Only Took Once

Thirty years ago tonight, I had to ask my little sister, who was celebrating her 19th birthday, if she’d excuse me from her party just that one time.

She said yes, because finally (finally!) the guy I’d been dreaming of for over two years (unbeknownst to him) had asked me out!

This was back in the day, around the time the guy who wrote “I Kissed Dating Good-bye” was conceived. We kissed dating good-bye, too, the group of Jesus Freaks that Doug and I hung with. Oh, sure, a guy and a chick might go out for dinner just for fun, but no one dated for years on end or even months—unless marriage was definitely in the works.

Doug and I? We went on one date, on July 8, 1976. We went to a country buffet-type restaurant, with yummy fried chicken, brisket, and the best cinnamon rolls anywhere. Knowing me and remembering the tiny dress I wore that night, I probably ate all of three bites. Besides, who could eat with those beautiful green eyes staring at me from across the picnic table?

The next week, I left for five weeks in Scotland with my fam. The week after I got back, Doug popped the question.

Now, trust me, I knew all along that he was the man for me. But I didn’t let on to him that I felt that way. I figured if God wanted us together, He’d get us together.

Still, that HAD to have been some date, huh?

Posted by Katy on 07/08/06 at 02:06 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. When I say I wore a "tiny" dress, I don't mean skimpy. I was NOT that kind of Jesus Freak! No, my dress was tiny, as in size two tiny. And snug in the kind of way that prevented voracious eating.
    Posted by Katy  on  07/08/06  at  04:15 PM
  2. AWWWWWWW. Well, okay, mushy much and it makes me happy. =)
    Posted by Lynn  on  07/09/06  at  01:36 PM
  3. Lynn--Mush thrills me no end! Glad you enjoy it, too....
    Posted by Katy  on  07/10/06  at  09:05 AM
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