Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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International House Of…..Watch Out!

This morning, we’re leaving to meet Doug’s sisters and brother-in-law for breakfast out before taking presents and dessert to share with his mother.

I just called my mom to wish her Merry Christmas (we had the big McKenna bash last Sunday, and our own kids here yesterday….). I told her how few restaurants were open today and how Doug’s sisters had settled on International House of Pancakes.

You should know that here in Kansas City, we also have the International House of Prayer. Both institutions call themselves IHOP, and I’ve managed somehow never to confuse the two.

My mother, on the other hand? She’s only recently heard of the International House of Prayer, and became quite concerned when I told her of our breakfast plans.

“Be careful, Katy. When you are doing the interstate thing, you could end up at the prayer joint instead of the pancake joint.”

I laughed. “We’re going to the place over on Metcalf. I’m pretty sure they specialize in breakfast…..”

“Just the same,” she said, “you might want to call first. Ask if they’re serving pancakes or prayer. You wouldn’t want to go hungry.”

I love this woman, my mother. So much so that I’m going to be praying for her over pancakes.

Merry Christmas to you, too, Mom.

Posted by Katy on 12/25/08 at 03:05 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I have never been to the IHOPancakes in KC, only to the the IHOPrayer. Your mom cracks me up though ... the prayer joint! Ha! Have a happy new year.
    Posted by Joshua  on  12/29/08  at  04:30 AM
  2. I recently took my mother out for a lunch at an IHOP in Grandview (closest to her house). Our waiter that day was a student at IHOP (the house of prayer) and really a delightful young man.
    Posted by Terri  on  12/29/08  at  06:04 PM
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