Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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In The Spirit!

TreesThe ice crashed from the trees on our three-acre lot all afternoon yesterday. You should have heard the cacophonous racket! There were actually warnings on TV to “watch for falling ice!” It’s a good thing most of it melted, since tonight we may end up with 4-8 inches of snow.

We’ve had a boatload of winter weather in December, so much so that retailers have likely suffered. It’s hard to carve out the time (and the driveway) between storms in order to do our duty to the Cash Registers of America.

DougEven so, I’ve managed to discover the single best gift EVER for the obsessive/compulsive guy (or gal) in your life. I ordered it on Amazon, had it delivered, and Doug and I used the last good weather day (11 days ago…) to test it out. What is Doug’s early Christmas present? A power washer!

If you are a homeowner, you seriously might want to consider plunking down $100 or so for one of these puppies. We now have many power washing extravaganzas planned for nice-weather-days to come, because we SO ENJOYED cleaning the garage.

JunkYes, folks, removing EVERY SINGLE ITEM from the abyss, power washing all surfaces both vertical and horizontal, and then returning (in a very extremely organized fashion) only those items which MAKE SENSE for our lives NOW is our idea of “decorating for the holidays.”

It’s sick, I know. And really, tomorrow the wreaths will be hung, the tree will be trimmed, and the mantle will be the happy bearer of garlands and ribbons and stockings galore.

GarageBut for today, we’re going to revel once more in a totally clean garage, in which we can house two cars who’ve spent their whole lives braving the elements. The poor dears.

Here are the pics to prove our diligence, and the fact that “getting in the Christmas spirit” means different things to different people.

imageThis decluttering thing? It’s got me MAJORLY in the spirit! Now, get thee to the Home Depot and get your own power washer!

It’s really fun to use the focused stream of stinging water to calligraphy “Merry Christmas” into the big oil stain on the garage floor. That and some hot chocolate, and you’ll be sighing with contentment.

Posted by Katy on 12/14/07 at 01:30 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. BTW, I want to credit my baby sister Bridget and her hubby Jim for suggesting we get a power washer. They got one and it changed their lives!!! As you know, I am ALL ABOUT acquiring a changed life! :) I always thought power washers were a tool used only by professional housepainters, etc. But we homeowners (and car owners) can use them to great advantage....
    Posted by Katy  on  12/14/07  at  03:08 PM
  2. Glad I could help to create a better life for you (and your cars!). I can't wait to use ours to WASH all the vehicles when the snow departs. :)
    BTW...the garage looks great!
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/16/07  at  02:11 PM
  3. i use our powerwasher all the time at the ministry - it's amazing how it will make an old deck look like new or how clean a brick house will look after a few hours of high pressure water. from the cars to the boat... i love having a powerwasher. (i feel like i am writing a commercial here.) nice job on the garage!
    Posted by joshua  on  12/17/07  at  04:32 PM
  4. I just want to say that we took 17 bags of stuff and several boxes and an old Christmas tree to the Goodwill on Saturday. We have been rooting and cleaning and organizing like mad the last few weeks. We aren't done yet, but we are well on the way. Before to long, our garage is going to look something like yours, I think. YEAH!!
    Posted by Anna  on  12/18/07  at  04:30 PM
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