Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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I’m Dreaming Of A White April 14

Last night, the most ENORMOUS snowflakes we’ve ever seen (and I’ve lived here my whole life) fell in our own backyard.

It’s so crazy here in Kansas City, weather-wise, that a group of environmentalists who’d scheduled their symposium on global warming to meet at a park today had to move the festivities inside because of, well…global freezing.

Both Doug and Carrie awakened today, took a look outside at the snow-laden fir trees, and actually expected PRESENTS. Pathetically Pavlovian, don’t you think? I may have to make a run to Target just to get them over the psychological hurdle!

By tomorrow, the weather people say, it will be in the 60s. Mind you, they’ve been saying that for weeks. I might have the tiniest shred of trust left in them, if not for this comment offered on the local forecast last night.

“If it keeps snowing heavily, you’ll see some accumulation. If it lets up, you probably won’t.” Ya think?

By the way, have I mentioned that our darling daughter is marrying a meteorologist? Should one family be allowed to have this much fun?

Posted by Katy on 04/14/07 at 09:18 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Poor Al. It's cold here in East Texas, too. This morning I walked out the door to go to a baby shower and instantly realized I should have checked the weather report before dressing in a sundress and flip flops. Brrrr.

    Your local forecast reminds me of sports interviews.

    "What was your strategy, coach?"

    "Well, we just tried to get the ball down the field and score more points than the other team."

    "Brilliant. No wonder they pay you millions of dollars."

    Maybe I should go into coaching. Or meteorology.
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  04/14/07  at  11:24 AM
  2. Jeanne--500 points to you for making Doug laugh! Sports guys are his FAVES for saying goofy stuff. He LOVES it when they say, "Whoa, Jack! Now this team came to PLAY BALL!"

    Posted by Katy  on  04/18/07  at  08:53 PM
  3. Well Katy, for some reason I feel like responding to all of your posts. It's like we're having a conversation. I have a theory about the cause of global warming - baby boomers all hitting menopause at the same time. What think you?
    Posted by alison  on  04/24/07  at  02:56 PM
  4. thanks for a great laugh. I vote for menopause as the reason for global warming.
    Posted by Angela Coon  on  04/30/07  at  08:52 PM
  5. alison--Well, then. When the boomers kick off and the gen behind us is much fewer in number, will there be another Ice Age? :)

    Angela--It's as good a theory as any, don't you think? ;)
    Posted by Katy  on  05/01/07  at  02:55 PM
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