Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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If You Could Take Some Of It With You

OK, so here's a question: What does it take to make you, you? You know what I mean?

Can you name, let's say, two categories of stuff that define you as a person, the stuff that's made you who you are today, and which you'd likely continue to need to become the person you're becoming?

My stuff would have to be reading material and writing material, which may be composed of any combination of books, newspapers, magazines, pens, paper, and computer.

Other people's necessary stuff might be sports equipment, musical instruments, movies, photographic gear, CDs, craft and art supplies, woodworking tools, exercise gear, gourmet cooking items, or gardening tools.

What about you? It you downsized to only two categories of posessions--the ones directly related to the essence of who you are--what would they be?

Please don't say dollars and cents or stock and bonds unless you're a banker or a stock broker!

Posted by Katy on 11/18/04 at 09:03 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. That is such a tough question! I'm not really a person who keeps things. Half the stuff I own now, I've only owned a short while. I have this amazing ability to "spring clean" every 6 months. So, I'm not sure what posessions made me who I am, they are all in a Goodwill somewhere, or which ones will continue to contribute to my making. Maybe I should start thinking about which items I have not been able to part with over the years.
    Posted by Lydia  on  11/18/04  at  04:05 PM
  2. The things that define who I am would be my journals, I can look back on specific times in my life and remember that they made me who I am today. The things that define who I am trying to become are my bible, prayer journal, and bible study notes. They help guide me to the life that God wants for me and that I am trying to attain at this point in my life. All in all memories and our own words reflect so much of who we are without us even meaning for them to.
    Posted by kristy  on  11/18/04  at  07:24 PM
  3. I think I would have to choose three: books, with the first and foremost being my Bible; my journals that I write to God and to my kids; and my piano, because leading worship is part of who God has made me to be.
    Posted by Carrie  on  11/19/04  at  02:01 AM
  4. Lydia--I think a digital cam must be of importance to you. You are like my daughter in that you both take a lot of pics! Who needs stuff when you've got the pics of the stuff? And, of course, pics of people are the best. Ah, yes. People...

    Kristy--Great point about your words. In a real way, in journals and study notes, we are speaking to our own futures. Putting dreams and goals and prayers in writing gives them hope, I think. I've saved every calendar I've used since 1977. They are a type of family history of our marriage.

    Carrie--You write journals to your kids? What a great idea! A beautiful way to leave them a legacy of who you are. Where do you lead worship? My hubby is a worship leader, too, and my daughter (carrie!) as well.
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  11/23/04  at  08:57 PM
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