Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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If This Is My Manic Phase, So Be It

I wish I could tell you how much detoxing the old bod of all the junk you’ve been eating (low-carb meal replacement bars, sugar-free chocolate, sugar-free cookies, sugar-free cheesecake—do you see a theme emerging?) leads to all kinds of other good things.

Man, oh, man. My house is starting to look like a million bucks. I am whipping this puppy into shape right along with my sorry rear end. Does anyone else out there still “file”? You know, actually put hard copies of documents into folders and then into a file cabinet or milk crate? It had been 18 months since I’d filed, and this morning I finally caught up.

Interesting thing, that. Since my new way-of-life does not include keeping paper for which I will never have a use again in my natural life, almost ALL the 18-months’ accumulation got pitched in the bin.

I feel on top of the world at this very moment, clean and unencumbered by the physical exhaustion and mental confusion caused by too many useless possessions (junklets, I call them) and too much clutter.

I remember my grandmother, when she was just a few years older than I am now, saying, “Don’t ever again buy me something that has to be dusted.”

Amen, Grandma! Life’s too short. If I don’t love it or desperately need it, it’s outta here.

Posted by Katy on 06/24/06 at 12:18 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Got nothing of value to add... just comment stacking because you deserve some attention.

    Take Care
    Posted by Michael #2  on  06/24/06  at  07:37 PM
  2. Boy, and I jealous! My next novel is due July 15th and I have a LONG way to go. I WISH I could clean and file!
    Posted by Tricia Goyer  on  06/24/06  at  10:47 PM
  3. Junklets -- I like that name. And I still file, but maybe I should lose that habit.
    Posted by Jackie  on  06/25/06  at  12:51 PM
  4. Michael #2--You are a piece of work, and I mean that in the best way possible. :)

    Tricia--Boy, am I jealous! I want my next novel to be due July 15th! Or my first novel. Perhaps I cleaneth and organizieth too much? I will pray for your progress....

    Jackie--Lose it, baby! Keep it in a pile for a year to 18 months, then go through it. You'll throw all most ALL of it away, I guarantee. And the stuff that's in the file cabinet already? Almost all of it is completely useless in the real world. Believe me, this is coming as a shocking revelation to me!
    Posted by Katy  on  06/26/06  at  08:08 AM
  5. Thanks for your prayers! And I used to be a perfectionist before deadlines. Oh, those were the days . . .
    Posted by Tricia Goyer  on  06/26/06  at  08:24 AM
  6. Tricia--That's the thing. I've never been a perfectionist. Which is weird, because I do think I'm rather O/C. Even so, I paint with VERY broad strokes, broad enough that you'd think I could work in a few narrow deadlines!
    Posted by Katy  on  06/27/06  at  11:00 AM
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