Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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I Can’t Take It Anymore!

Every four years, on January 20, an American president is inaugurated. The event used to be called an "inauguration," but in the past dozen years or so, the media has taken to referring to it--both orally and in print--as an "inaugural."

Inaugural WHAT, people? Inaugural is an adjective, which must modify a noun. Some possibilities for possible nouns which might be used appropriately with the adjective inaugural are "address," "parade," "oath," and "ball."

Oh, yeah. And also "hurricane lamp."

President Bush was presented with a Lenox crystal hurricane lamp to commemorate the day, etched with a depiction of the White House. The inscription on the crystal was dedicated to George W. Bush, January 20, 2005, on the occasion of his inaugural.

Not that I blame the crystal company, but do you think Lenox would spring for a re-do?
Posted by Katy on 01/20/05 at 01:19 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I think you should be hired by the government to take out folks like this. They have that here in France, but in terms of keeping the French language pure. You go, girl!
    Posted by relevantgirl  on  01/20/05  at  08:01 PM
  2. according to the
    Posted by sco  on  01/20/05  at  09:18 PM
  3. let's try that again. according to the encarta and webster's 1913 dictionaries, /inaugural/ has been used as a noun for a good 100 years... just sayin'... :-)
    Posted by sco  on  01/20/05  at  09:19 PM
  4. Ha ha ha! Smart-ass son! :)
    Posted by timsamoff  on  01/20/05  at  09:56 PM
  5. Mary--French is a language upon which one can depend! There's something really nice about that...

    Scotty--So, are you saying that I SHOULDN'T have flown off the handle and emailed Lenox Crystal, suggesting that they should, for the good of the democracy, produce corrected hurricane globes? And that I shouldn't have frivilously given them my website address so that they can have their corporate lawyers follow up with me?

    I did look this up in several dictionaries before posting. But now, after checking a number more, I see that Scott (my son the linguist by degree) is correct.

    It still feels wrong, though. And sounds horribly wrong to the ear, I think. But, folks, evidently the words "inauguration" and "inaugural" can be used interchangeably as nouns. Just not by me--ever. :)

    Thanks, Scotty. I love you.
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/20/05  at  10:11 PM
  6. Tim--I appreciate your salient comment. ;)
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/20/05  at  10:13 PM
  7. century or so, schmentury or so (sorry, sco :)- i think it sounds wrong, too. the way the word 'faith' is used nowadays comes to mind. "just have faith." period. in what? it's incomplete wording, an incomplete thought. i have to say "go girl" as well!

    Posted by lisa  on  01/21/05  at  04:17 AM
  8. Lisa--It is kind of you to support me in the hour of my humiliation... :)

    Today I received a merciful email from the Lenox Crystal company. They had indeed visited this site, and saw that I had conceded that "inaugural" was correct usage.

    They didn't offer me a complimentary piece of crystal to smooth things over, but if they had, I know just the words I'd want etched into it:
    "To Katy McKenna Raymond, January 20, 2005. On the Occasion of George W. Bush's Second (Not His Inaugural) Inauguration."

    That would be a collector's item, don't you think?
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/22/05  at  03:30 AM
  9. I thought I was the only one who noticed this. Very annoying.
    Posted by Justine  on  01/25/05  at  01:32 AM
  10. Justine--We must stick together! Thanks for supporting me, even if I am wrong... :)
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/26/05  at  02:44 PM
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