Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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How To Know For Sure That You’re Old

All my life I’ve heard people say that you’re only as old as you feel, and honestly, I just don’t get that.

I mean, I hear ancient women proclaiming that hey, they may be 99, but they FEEL 29. I personally didn’t think 29 was anything to brag about. I’ve felt better at many subsequent ages than I did during my twenties, and what’s the big deal about freezing age at 29, anyway? It’s overrated.

My mother-in-law (who, along with my mother, forms the pair affectionately known as The Moms) is about to turn, I think, 87. It doesn’t matter anymore whether I know how old the gal is. SHE believes, and advertises, that she is 63. Why should I think otherwise?

My own mother, a youngster at nearly 78, is quite accurate when asked by the paramedics (which just happened during our last ER run on Thursday night) how old she is. I don’t know, though, whether how old she FEELS might be affected by what year she imagines it to be. What asked THAT question, she came up with an unequivacable “1908.”

(By the way, if I just spelled unequivacable wrong, bear with me. I ain’t getting any younger here.)

I understand the 1908 answer. Really, I do. When you’re born in 1930 and everyone in your family tends to die rather young, I suppose you don’t think you’ll ever be asked a question that requires an answer in the next millenium. Besides, by the time we got to the hospital and the doctor asked her the same question, she succinctly spat out, “2-0-0-8.” So there.

The Moms are aging, that’s for sure. And none too gracefully, if you ask me. But what do I know? I’m just a young whippersnapper, right? You do know that 54 is the new 37, don’t you?

Monday was Doctor Day for Mom. I managed to get her back and forth by myself, but it wasn’t easy. It involves transferring her from a wheelchair to my car (she’s 6” taller and weighs 80 pounds more than I do), hoisting the chair into the back, pushing the chair up steep ramps, leaving her tapping her foot while I run back out to park the car, and then…well, lather, rinse, repeat.

I worked up a bad enough sweat that by the time I got home, I needed another shower. But that’s not the worst part. The worst is that Mom noticed and couldn’t stop mentioning that I talk to myself. A lot.

I don’t do it all the time, but when I’m juggling the Mama, filling out a million forms, praying a kind stranger will appear out of no where and open the door for us, and trying to answer the doctor’s questions about the history of Mom’s urinary tract infections while getting her urinary tract completely confused with my mother-in-law’s, yeah. I talk to myself.

When she heard me say, “Grab Mom’s purse from the back seat,” she brought it up. Later, when I muttered, “OK, Katy, you put her name as the party responible for payment, not yours...” she gave me one of those looks and said, “You’re doing it again.”

On the way home, remembering previous doctor runs, I guess I must have said out loud, “She probably wants a chili cheese dog with extra onions from Sonic…” because Mom blurted out, “You’re getting old!”

Like boomers everywhere, I can congratulate myself on my perennial youth all I want. Apparently, I’m still with-it enough to know when I’m busted.

Posted by Katy on 01/09/08 at 09:17 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Too funny! I know I'm getting old, like today, when I mentioned turning 41 later this month, and some of the students replied, "Gosh, you're older than my mom!" I can't help but wonder if I've been teaching too long....
    Posted by Bridget  on  01/09/08  at  10:49 AM
  2. Oh this is so funny I even read it aloud to Bruce. I talk to myself all the time. When I'm at home, I do it aloud in a sarcastic voice. Outside, I mutter. Truthfully, I've been talking to myself for years. If it's any comfort to you Katy, when I worked on Wall Street 20-30 years ago when I was young, everyone talked to themselves because the job was so stressful. Soo...you're still cool.
    Posted by Suzan  on  01/09/08  at  11:49 AM
  3. Bridgie--It is a SAD thing when my baby sister starts to think SHE'S old. What does that say about ME? Funny story about your student..... :)

    Suzan--I am glad your Bruce is back home where he belongs! I LOVE it that you talk to yourself in a sarcastic voice!!! So do I!!! (You figured, right?)
    Posted by Katy  on  01/10/08  at  04:49 PM
  4. I always said that if I had one wish, I would wish to live forever. Then I met my husband. All I want to do is grow old with him.
    Posted by Online Pet Store  on  07/05/08  at  02:52 PM
  5. Even though im 26 sometimes i feel like im getting old. Then I remind myself that every year I gain A LOT of wisdom.
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  6. It's fact but getting old is really hurting.By the great article
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  7. Cruel fact but life never waits for none. Admit it
    Posted by ffxi gil  on  09/05/08  at  11:54 AM
  8. Age is just a number. There is no shame in being old.
    Posted by Scooter  on  10/15/08  at  07:56 PM
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  10. The human life cycle begins at fertilization, when an egg cell inside a woman and a sperm cell from a man fuse to form a one-celled zygote. Over the next few days, the single, large cell divides many times to form a hollow ball of smaller cells. On the sixth day after fertilization, this hollow ball burrows into the wall of the mother's uterus, or womb. The cells then form three layers that fold and bend into the more complex shape of an early embryo. Gradually, the cells begin to become different from one another, forming, for example, the nervous system and the circulatory system.
    Posted by Mrsa  on  09/30/09  at  03:26 AM
  11. I don't mind being old. Sure I lost something that I have when I was young, e.g. strength, vision, etc. But as I become old, my experience is also increase and that's what makes life worth to live. And being old means that you are nearer to God :)
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  13. Every people get old. But it depends on how they endure that life so it will be valuable. If you endure your life with happiness, you will never know how old are you until you realize that you are no longer young.
    Posted by Crazy Blogger  on  11/04/09  at  11:17 AM
  14. Just take a picture or look into a mirror then you know that you are old enough.
    Posted by Going Green  on  11/14/09  at  05:26 AM
  15. Being old is something adorable to me. You see, I don't see any benefit to live eternally on this earth. Being old means we are closer to move from this earthly body, to eternity with God. That's what I've been waiting for.
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  18. Oh, very well.. Your article was good. Yeah, people at those age feels young. She is like my grandmother.
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