Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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I’ve been fairly forthright (doesn’t Fairly Forthright sound like the name of a character in a Lisa Samson novel?) about my inability to deal with postmodern technology, right? Far be it from me to lie to you fallible readers!

The truth is that I can barely figure out how to dial 911 on a cell phone to save my soul. But on days like today, when there are still patches of ice on the road and the temp is very low, I grap a phone—any phone will do!—and stick it in my purse, just in case.

So here’s my Thursday’s Just In Case:

I decided to get some writing done at the local Caribou Coffee, where they’ve got a BOGO promotion going on. I planned to buy one for myself, write for a few hours, and then get a free latte to take home for Doug.

It was so bloomin’ loud at Caribou—where they’re also apparently sponsoring a 24-member chapter of the Young, Thin, And Blonde Society Of North America—that I couldn’t stay. Plus, I’d forgotten that the BOGO coupons don’t apply until after noon. I got a cup of plain old joe and headed for the public library down the road.

When I got inside, I remembered the phone in my purse. I scooted into the bathroom, sat down on the toitie, pulled out the phone, and attempted to determine whether or not it was on vibrate. I vaguely remembered something about a button on the side of the contraption that’s supposed to regulate such features, so I pushed the button.

Let’s just say I won’t be posting the picture I took of myself, sitting there striving to…master technology.

Not that I could figure out, by myself, how to post a picture, you understand.

Yeah. I’m pretty sure you understood that.

Posted by Katy on 02/15/07 at 10:23 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Girl, you crack me up! I'm about the same with technology. Haven't accidently taken a shot of myself on the toitie yet, but friends still kid me about taking my TV remote to work and trying to phone home from THAT on my lunch break....LOL...among other things, I don't see too well. But that was back in the day when cell phones were all black, and the size of your average TV remote.

    Oh! I nearly forget. You've won my book giveway! Hurrah!
    Posted by Vicki  on  02/15/07  at  10:47 AM
  2. 50 points, Katy. That's just for making me laugh. If you somehow get that picture posted, I'll add another 100. ;)

    Love, Jeanne
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  02/15/07  at  10:54 AM
  3. Oh. My. Goodness. I am rolling on the floor here!! How FUNNY! Thanks for making my day, Katy! What a way with words you have! : )
    Posted by Deb Raney  on  02/15/07  at  11:22 AM
  4. sweet Lord. you poor thing.
    Posted by Liz  on  02/15/07  at  12:31 PM
  5. Thanks for the morning chuckle!
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  02/15/07  at  01:12 PM
  6. You are too funny! I love your blog! Finish the book so we can all read it!
    Posted by amy  on  02/16/07  at  01:04 PM
  7. Vicki--Your story about the cordless "phone" is fantastic!! Thank you for sharing. :)

    Jeanne--Of all the things I covet on the Internet, none compare to "points." Dear girl, you have made me so happy.

    Deb--IF you are "rolling on the floor" while sitting on your new desk chair, which is actually an exercise ball, BE CAREFUL!! Sometimes you scare me.

    Liz--Girl, girl. Jesus has never forsaken me, but sometimes I gotta think He wonders. :)

    Carrie K--For as much as I got "done" at the library, I should have stayed home and tried to catch some episodes of Monarch. Can't wait to get into the groove on this series!

    Amy--Thanks for introducing me to your blog, too! Heck, thanks for featuring my article there. Really very kind of you!
    Posted by Katy  on  02/17/07  at  01:43 PM
  8. Katy -- I'm afraid that one day, 30 years down the line, I'll be telling a story like this, and my children will be rolling their eyes at me saying, "But it's so EASY, Mom!" :-D
    Posted by Sunflower  on  02/18/07  at  02:33 AM
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