Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Have Yourself A Merry Little Colonoscopy!

Well, the deed is done. The colonoscopy, that is. And my health is, for all intents and purposes, perfect. I am a specimen to be envied among all womankind. Except for that, of course, I’ve been really, really sick.

So now, the docs are thinking maybe the anti-seizure meds they’ve had me on (first Tegretol and now Trileptal) for the stabbing pain in the eye (called Trigeminal Neuralgia) have caused the side effect of serious stomach pain. Since Monday, I’ve been weaning off the meds. This morning, I took my last dose.

So far, the stabbing pain in my eye (which was largely controlled by the anti-seizure meds, with Vicodin as a supplement) has returned only as The Grittiest Sandpaper On Earth pain, which only bothers me when I blink. Totally tolerable, you know what I mean? If I stay at the Sandpaper Stage, I will be able to handle it.

My stomach is a bit better today. For the FIRST time since mid-November. So I am hopeful. And grateful. And looking forward to better days ahead!!

Speaking of those days, I am going to fully enjoy the time I spend with family and friends in the next couple of weeks. Even bloggers take vacations now and then, and so I am declaring mine. Since my birthday falls between Christmas and New Year’s, I might as well extend my hiatus until after January 1.

I hope each and every one of you fallible folks has a truly wonderful and blessed Christmas!!!! You deserve it, I tell ya, if only because of how much you’ve had to put up with me whining recently!

I hereby resolve to be of much better cheer in the New Year, and promise to share my largesse of good will with each and every one of you, my dear reading friends.

Have yourselves a merry little Christmas! Next year, all our troubles will be far away….....

Posted by Katy on 12/19/08 at 05:54 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Glad all is healthy down there. :) I hope you have a wonderful holiday and birthday and that the New Year brings healthier times. (And a book deal!
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  12/19/08  at  09:08 PM
  2. I've been concerned...think "wellth" (health & well being)
    Posted by Terri  on  12/20/08  at  05:09 PM
  3. Glad to hear there was no serious problem. Hopefully if they need another medication, they will find one a little less painful.
    My birthday is Dec 29. Have a Happy Birthday.
    Blessed Christmas too.
    Love ya
    Posted by Sandi Thompson  on  12/20/08  at  08:41 PM
  4. Hey...Trileptil is the medicine that Jim takes. It really seems to help him with controlling his headaches. Maybe you'll have the same luck. :) See you tomorrow!!!!
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/21/08  at  01:20 AM
  5. Blessings of health and comfort to you, Katy. "Let Nothing you dismay"...
    Posted by PattyT  on  12/21/08  at  04:11 AM
  6. Thrilled to read you passed your test, and you didn't have to study!

    Have a fabulous Christmas!
    Posted by Christa  on  12/21/08  at  07:19 PM
  7. Have a happy birthday and a blessed Christmas. May the Lord bring you health and wholeness for the coming year.
    Posted by Joshua  on  12/22/08  at  07:33 PM
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