Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Happy BrainSurgSurvivary To Me!

Nobody likes to have their head messed with, right?

Seven years ago this minute, my favorite people kissed me good-bye. And then, immediately after I flubbed-up counting backwards from ten, my head got messed with big-time.

I didn’t expect to survive brain surgery. I had peace about going through with it, though, since a tumor had robbed me of my hearing in one ear and surgery represented my only chance to recover it. It seemed like the responsible thing to do.

But honestly, surviving? I figured I had a MUCH better chance of getting my hearing back than I had of surviving.

But, hey. I come from a long line of gamblers. Hmmm….come to think of it, most of them are dead. Sheesh. What are the odds?  ;)

It’s been a fascinating seven years. I’m healthier than I’ve ever been as an adult—but not as a result of tumor removal. As a result of the shock of surviving. Survival made me realize how much I owed God, my family, and myself. I got ahold of the grace to change my diet so completely that almost all of my health problems reversed. Of course, I had not wanted to believe that my poor health resulted from my lousy choices but trust me, it did.

Sometimes, for some people, it takes a shock to get turned around on life’s path, a shock to jolt you into a sudden reversal of direction and momentum.

I know what that shock feels like. It feels like the most radical everything-I’m-thankful-for-this-Thanksgiving-list ever. It feels like a new believer feels when he comes up out of the water after being baptized into New Life, and shakes off every remaining drop of his old ways.

To be given another chance—whether it’s for the second or twentieth or two thousandth time—is the most freeing feeling ever, don’t you think?

Whatever you do, don’t pass yours up.

Posted by Katy on 11/15/06 at 07:34 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I know well that survvivor feeling. You have done wonders with your seven years. Congratulations and here is to many, many more years of good health.
    Posted by Maria  on  11/15/06  at  08:56 AM
  2. Great attitude, Katy! And happy anniversary. :)
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  11/15/06  at  08:58 AM
  3. Wow.

    Take care
    Posted by Michael #2  on  11/15/06  at  11:43 AM
  4. I knew today's date sounded familiar for some reason. I don't remember a whole much about that day...I was scared. I remember that.

    The only other thing I really remember was dad's notebook on a rope that you made him wear around his neck all day...or all week, really. What a wifey!
    Posted by Carrie Raymond  on  11/15/06  at  08:09 PM
  5. What a wonderful post. Congratulations on the seven years. :)
    Posted by Danielle  on  11/15/06  at  11:24 PM
  6. hugs, kiddo.
    Posted by Suzan  on  11/16/06  at  03:36 PM
  7. It always makes me feel fabulous whenever I hear of someone else who survived brain surgery. I survived it 16 years ago.
    No recurrances so far . . .
    Posted by José  on  12/03/06  at  12:10 PM
  8. Wow, I didn't know that, Katy. Blessings, warm hugs, and happy congrats to you! I have a friend who also experienced brain surgery many, many years ago and is doing well. The Lord is good. Loved your post.
    Posted by Vicki  on  12/11/06  at  12:13 PM
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