Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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I know you can't judge a book by its cover, at least not in any ultimate sense. But it sure is tempting, isn't it?

I'm going to admit here and now that on more than one occasion, I've judged a book on just a portion of its cover--its title, to be exact.

Every once in a while, a title jumps off the cover at me and so impresses and delights me with its cleverness that I rush to the clerk in a frenzy to purchase the book posthaste! Today was one of those days.

Here's the title that snagged my bucks: "Some Writers Deserve To Starve!" (Sub-title: "31 Brutal Truths About the Publishing Industry")

Does this ever happen to you, or am I just an easy mark?
Posted by Katy on 02/16/05 at 03:58 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. This has nothing at all to do with anything, but am I the only one having trouble reading the comments here? The background is really dark all of a sudden...but no one else seems to be mentioning it. When I leave a comment the background is white...To read comments I have to highlight the blogback page to see them...

    Other blogs using blogback's commenting system I have no trouble reading, so I'm just curious if it's the result of recent "redesigns" or tinkering....or if it's just me going blind..

    Posted by Michael Main  on  02/16/05  at  11:29 PM
  2. First to stick with another Michael, black on blue makes it tough to read.

    I'm a sucker for wine labels. Get hooked by a pretty bottle. Rarely is the wine any good.

    Take Care
    Posted by Michael  on  02/17/05  at  01:35 AM
  3. Doug says your complaint is happening on his computer, too, but my screen looks fine. He's tried reaching the blogback people, but the email bounced back. Now we're trying to figure out how to move to a new comments thingie without losing all the great comments here from 4 years of blogging! Any suggestions besides cut and paste?
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  02/17/05  at  03:40 AM
  4. Here's a comment related to my post: Isn't it weird that when you look really fast at the word "posthaste" it comes across like "toothpaste"? Or is it just me?
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  02/17/05  at  03:42 AM
  5. post-haste... toothpast... cut and paste... I think I'm dizzy!
    Posted by Chris(tine)  on  02/17/05  at  06:05 AM
  6. I know what you mean about great titles. I once found a Christian group called "Mercy River" in the discount bin at my local bookstore. OK, so the group was not actually ensconced in the bin. It was one of their CDs.

    I picked up the CD and casually scoured for anythig remotely interesting. I was about to put the disk down when a near life-changing title caught my eye:

    The song was called "Elvis has left the Building; Jesus is coming soon."

    I just had to buy me that CD. It was not only a great title but the song fulfilled its promise. It's nice when life works out like that. Best $5 I ever spent.
    Posted by Michael O'Connor  on  02/17/05  at  08:31 AM
  7. I'm a sucker for good titles too... Even well-designed jacket covers. I know it's wrong, but I haven't been too off-the-mark so far! :)
    Posted by timsamoff  on  02/17/05  at  06:29 PM
  8. Now the comments look fine....of course I took my wife to a wine bar for her birthday tonight..no really...I think it's fixed.

    Posted by Michael Main  on  02/18/05  at  04:54 AM
  9. Yes, Katy, sometimes the cover or title jumps
    out at me, and says, "buy me, buy me." But
    I always take time to read the back cover, and the first few pages. Right now everyone and anybody is telling me to read Joel Osteens book. Who the heck is Joel Olsteen, or Osteen?' I know he is a minister, that is all I know. I guess he is the new guru.
    Posted by Candace Pfau  on  02/20/05  at  06:58 PM
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