Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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It's 1:30 on Thursday afternoon. Kevin just kissed us good-bye.

I didn't plan a speech for this moment, and I didn't make one, either. But I heard myself say this, "Kev, you'll get married one day and then you'll have your first child. You'll turn around 25 years later and the last one will be walking out the door, and it will feel so strange to you. Because you'll still remember exactly how you felt the first time you brought a new baby home from the hospital, when all of life was ahead of you. Life goes really fast, babe. Do what you're here to do..."

He nodded like he nearly understood, like he had at least a fleeting grasp of what I meant, as if he might just file my wisdom-of-the-ages away and call it to remembrance later, in some distant melancholy hour. All I know is that he held onto us for a few seconds longer than he would have otherwise.

His eyes sparkled differently than usual, too, like diamond flecks of sunshine through a steady spring rain.
Posted by Katy on 06/16/05 at 01:45 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. And what beautiful eyes those are. :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  06/16/05  at  08:51 PM
  2. He will remember. I promise.
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  06/16/05  at  09:08 PM
  3. cyber-kleenex to you, my friend ;)
    Posted by lisa  on  06/16/05  at  10:30 PM
  4. You've gotta stop making me cry, Katy!!!

    That was beautiful.
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  06/17/05  at  03:22 PM
  5. I was having a discussion with a young woman I work with this week. She splits time between the radio station and our co-owned TV station one day a week. The TV station often tries to keep her for 10 or 12 hours a day or longer...she has a six year old daughter and asked my advice.

    I told her I'm a step dad...my youngest was 7 or 8 when I first "met" her. I said I remembered going to her first "concert" - four girls her age attempting to play violins. It was at her elementary school in the middle of the day. It was so horrible I remember thanking God they only played one song and envisioning years of her "practicing."

    She eventually dropped the violin and picked up the oboe... I told my co-worker that the memory of that first concert came back 10 years later when I watched her play in a major concert hall, first chair in the state orchestra.

    I couldn't have gone to that first concert if I had let my job be my top priority...even in my top 3...I sacrificed money, promotions, and opportunities to have time for concerts at 2pm and all I is have that memory...

    Moments only come once. I told my co-worker she had to choose which she placed more value on...her tv career...or those moments.

    Even when they walk out the door, you'll always have those moments...You're a rich woman Katy.

    Posted by Michael Main  on  06/18/05  at  03:19 AM
  6. You are all so sweet, and please come running to me when you kiss your own baby good-bye!

    Michael--you made me cry. My daughter came in town last night for a bridal shower and Father's Day. Her friend came over, a girl she became fast friends with in 6th grade. They're both 23 now, both college grads, and we've all shared a lot of "moments."

    Doug had a few nice mics he wanted the girls to demo for him, so he could decide which one to buy. He asked if they'd sing harmony for him, something they do every time they get together.

    They looked at each other and grinned. "As long as we can sing 'God's Love Never Changes,'" they said. It's their lifelong theme song, the song they've used to encourage each other through all the stages of their friendship.

    Man, that made me cry. Picturing them as little girls, singing their hearts out, and then as beautiful grown women, still singing.

    Thanks, M. I am a rich woman, indeed. Nearly as rich, I think, as you.....
    Posted by Katy  on  06/18/05  at  01:16 PM
  7. I know you don't know me but I wish I had a mother like you.
    Posted by Lynn  on  06/19/05  at  08:09 AM
  8. Diamond Microdermabrasion has a handpiece impregnated with diamond flecks. Avoid any stones that have black flecks that are visible to the naked eye.
    Posted by diamonds  on  06/11/10  at  10:04 PM
  9. Hi,
    I received a diamond last week and the other day i noticed a little black dot near the top... my bf said he looked at it under a microscope and there was only one flaw under 10x, unable to see with the naked eye... how can this happen? If i look at the diamond up from the side, i can see little flecks of light, like it chipped on this inside or something?
    Posted by discount jewellery  on  10/25/10  at  09:52 PM
  10. Page 1 of 1 pages
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