Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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God and Garage Sales

How I approach garage saling is just like how I hear from God.

First, I plan my route. If I'm headed to a specific destination on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, I know just which streets to travel in order to put myself in the optimum situation for spotting garage sales. Then I allow myself an extra hour or so, so that I can hit as many as strike my fancy on my way.

But limits must be imposed if I'm to have a successful venture. I don't just assume that all garage sales are ones at which I should shop. On the way to my destination, I drive in the right lane, limiting myself to only turning right into neighborhoods and then turning right again to get back on the main road.

Sometimes, like today on the road with Doug, a beautiful sign will point left, screaming delicious words like "multi-family, antiques, collectibles, everything must go!" in handwriting large enough to read from two blocks away.

Doug will nearly screech to a stop in order to get into the left-turn lane in time, not realizing that this isn't how it's done, not knowing that my contentment and peace has been broken. "But the sign says Big, Huge, Humongous Sale," he says.

"So what?" I ask. "The sale will still be going on when we turn around to go home. If we stay the course on the right side of the road, we'll be much better off in the long run."

"So you want garage saling to be peaceful?" he asks.

Yeah. I really do.

I trust that God, who is a God of order after all, understands my self-imposed parameters. If there's something on the left side of the road that I am meant to purchase, it will still be waiting for me later, when I can enter the neighborhood from the right lane. God and I understand each other completely when it comes to garage sales.

I am not frantic, I take my time, there is no hurry. And more often than not, I'm satisfied--if not thrilled--with the results.

When I pray, it's tempting to treat the process like the opening of garage sale season. It's tempting to come before God and say, "I'm open to every possibility in the universe, Lord. Shall I be a butcher, a baker, or a candle stick maker? Should I live in Ireland or New York or Belton, Missouri? Should I give my time to my church, another ministry, or my mother? Should I turn to the left or the right or spin around in circles until I'm too dizzy to follow any directions at all?"

Instead, before I pray, I've got things narrowed down a bit. I've got something of a plan, a map laid out, a strategy, a method in mind by which to understand His focused leading when it comes.

Sure enough, if I resist jumping from one side of the road to the other, eventually He leads me where He wants me to go.

And oh, the treasures that await me there!
Posted by Katy on 05/21/05 at 12:29 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Obviously you don't garage sale in Warrensburg, and neither do many others apparently these days. We had a sale today, which I HATE doing, and only made $175. That is nothing compared to our usual $350 or so. And nothing that usually sells, like toys and electronics, sold at all. Too weird. I'll say what I've said before...I'm done with having sales. Until next time.
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/21/05  at  09:59 PM
  2. I've never any time or patience for garage sales. And wouldn't you know it, I'm marrying a man who loves them. =)
    Posted by Jennifer  on  05/22/05  at  02:07 PM
  3. Bridgie--I'm sorry you didn't come out better on the deal! I have never had a garage sale where I made any money. Even back in the "old days," when Liz and Mary and I pooled our stuff, all my earnings went to buy the pizza for lunch for all the babies. I swore off giving sales 20 years ago. But I love to go to OPS!

    Jennifer--That's always the way it works! :) Who knows? You may come to have some small modicum of interest yet. Or not. I only go when I have some specific item/s I'm looking for, like furniture for the kids who are moving out. I used to buy stuff I felt sorry for, but no more. My sympathies are pretty used up at age 51! Best wishes on your upcoming marriage!
    Posted by Katy  on  05/22/05  at  02:24 PM
  4. Ecclesiastes 10:2 says, "A wise man's hearts directs him toward the RIGHT, but the foolish man's heart directs him toward the left."

    You are affirmed........:-)
    Posted by Paul Nichols  on  05/22/05  at  07:19 PM
  5. Paul--THAT made me giggle!
    Posted by Katy  on  05/22/05  at  08:52 PM
  6. I had a 3 day garage sale this weekend, and for all three days I made a total of $40. Thats pathetic!

    We mostly sold books, a couple of magazines (star wars editions) and little knick Knacks. I've never done so poorly at a garage sale before. I think we're going to wait for the Mass Neighborhood Garage sale. I even advertised 3 days in the local paper for this event, Multi-Family event.. 8a-2p


    Theres always next time right?? Now what am I to do with all the "sellables" left in my garage that i'm dreading packing up again.

    *nice to meet ya*
    Posted by kaffy  on  05/23/05  at  05:23 PM
  7. What a great amalgam of thoughts, Katy. Thanks!

    (You know, I don't know if I've ever actually used the word amalgam before.)
    Posted by timsamoff  on  05/23/05  at  06:42 PM
  8. Kaffy--I suggest hauling all those leftovers to Goodwill or Salvation Army, and going for the tax deduction. I buy a cheap program each tax year called "It's Deductible" put out by Intuit. They give IRS approved values for your giveaways. It's SO worth the price of the program to get the deduction...

    Tim--Well, you've beat me! I've NEVER said the word amalgam in my (much longer than yours) life. In fact, this may be the first time I've ever even had an amalgam.... :)
    Posted by Katy  on  05/23/05  at  07:57 PM
  9. Kaffy...Yep..the four boxes I have left are heading off to Survival House (our womens' adult abuse shelter) this week. I don't want any of it back in our house again!
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/26/05  at  12:07 AM
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