Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Ginormous Fallible Milestone!

Guess what? That last blog entry of mine was officially Number 1000!

Gee, if I was the 1000th person to walk through the doors of a store at their Grand Opening, I’d win a prize or something, wouldn’t I? I mean, doesn’t someone pass out free hotdogs for fallible milestones like this???

Oh, wait. I’ve already covered hotdogs. Or, I should say, hotdogs have already covered me. Maybe a free latte, or better yet, an iced Americano? Yeah, that’s the ticket.

1000 posts is fun, but here’s the best part for me: You people have left more than 5630 fallible comments!

Leave me another one today, if you’re in the mood. And here’s what I’d like to know: What keeps you coming back here anyway? And if you’ve never introduced yourself, please do!

I appreciate you all more than 1000 measly posts could ever say.

Posted by Katy on 05/23/07 at 08:03 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. That's a lot of posts, Katy.


    Posted by BJ  on  05/23/07  at  09:00 AM
  2. I keep coming back because I love reading your thoughts, and I love your "voice."

    And you're my sister in a parallel universe.
    Posted by Suzan  on  05/23/07  at  09:21 AM
  3. Happy 1000th! I keep coming back because your writing is fabulous, your heart is beautiful, and your stories keep me laughing. I enjoy the chance to glimpse the world through your eyes and your words.

    From (possibly) your only blog reader in the small country of Montenegro. Elizabeth
    Posted by Elizabeth  on  05/23/07  at  10:49 AM
  4. wow.

    Take Care
    Posted by Michael #2  on  05/23/07  at  12:17 PM
  5. I started visiting because you are so funny - and I keep coming back because now I "know" you. I know we haven't met, but I know you and your kids and Doug - and your mom cracks me up!
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  05/23/07  at  01:00 PM
  6. Hi Katy,
    Thanks for the blogs! I come back because I know reading your blog will make me laugh or sometimes even cry but in some way it will touch my heart and brighten my day.
    Posted by Karen  on  05/23/07  at  01:40 PM
  7. Katy,

    I only started reading your blog a couple of months ago and I'm not even sure how I found it. I think maybe I linked from Lisa Samson's site....

    As the others said, you make me laugh and I "get" you.

    As for me, I'm a 21-year flight attendant for American Airlines who lives in the DFW area. I like to sing and read and watch "Masterpiece Theatre" and I recently starting dating my mailman which people find hysterical...

    Enough about me....keep up the good work!
    Posted by Terry  on  05/23/07  at  03:17 PM
  8. Congrats!

    Obviously I'm hear for the numerous tales involving your underwear drawer :)

    Seriously, I keep coming back because some time ago in my life I realized I needed to stop reaching out for things I thought helped me cope, and start reaching out for true renewal.

    Don't let this make your head swell but I come back for the great writing, wonderful wit, and because I believe you and Doug exemplify the body of Christ.

    Although Amy and I have various friends, most of the couples we know are in a different season of their lives than are we.

    You guys, albeit we've never actually talked or met (hey, it is gonna happen)seem to share many of the issues/events/realities which we also face, or expect to before long.

    I could have said, "You guys seem slightly ahead of us in dealing with this screwy world, and I'm hoping to learn from your mistakes."

    It's your wisdom, humor and faith that bring me back...and I have no doubt God plays a role in arranging that.

    I'm really surprised you're only at 1000 posts. You're so prolific I thought you'd have exceeded that mark long ago....just in stories involving body functions or panty drawers :)

    You are a blessing.

    Grace & Peace,


    p.s. this is also one of the few blogs where the &%#! word verification is something I can read. :)
    Posted by Michael Main  on  05/23/07  at  04:57 PM
  9. I am hooked. Simple as that.

    From your sense of humor to the descriptive stories, coming to this site is never a letdown. I have laughed aloud, been encouraged, and have shook my head in agreement, amazement and other emotional directions.

    So thanks for brightening many of our days with your wit and wisdom.

    (PS - I agree with Michael...the word verification on your blog is awesome!)
    Posted by joshua  on  05/23/07  at  09:33 PM
  10. Well Congratulations from me too!

    I visit because, as many others have mentioned, your stories are fantastic. Often funny, always witty and you make it so easy to picture the scene with your writing. But I also read because you are such a talented writer and blogger (yes, I think they are two very separate abilities). And I would like to be just that: a better writer, better blogger and somehow earn an international audience as you have (except I'll never have the gems to offer my readers quite like you do... all in good time)

    Thanks for the lessons and stories. :)
    Posted by Thomas Rye  on  05/23/07  at  11:54 PM
  11. BJ--Thank you!!! Whatever else is said about me at the end of my life, at least they'll say "She blogged." :)

    Suzan--"They're were never more devoted sisters..." I love your voice, too. Especially when you talk Irish to me.

    Elizabeth--Wow! Montenegro! Quick, click on Mapquest! Seriously, I need to look you up. Thank you so much for commenting! I will check out your blog, too!

    Michael 2--We've been in this thing a long while, huh? I always feel comforted every time I see your "take care" tagline. You are an elegant man.

    Carrie K--I know you, too!!! Hey, on your rec, I just finished An Irish Country Doctor. (Is that the name? Where did I put the book?) Really enjoyed it!! Thank you. Any other Irish reads on your hot list? I trust your literary judgment. :)

    Karen--It's when you laugh and cry AT THE SAME TIME that you might want to seek medical attention! Just kidding. It touches me that you enjoy what I write. Thank you!

    Terry--I LOVE the mailman and the stewardess thing. It would make a fun story. Could call it "Wait A Minute, Mr. Postman." What do you think?

    Michael--You haven't made my head big, but you have blessed me tremendously. I don't know what else to say. You and Amy are a joy to us.

    Joshua--For young men to "get me" just thrills me no end! And gives me hope for my sons and soon-to-be son-in-law! Ha! "A humorist is not without honor except in her own home." Only kidding. My kids kind of enjoy my twist on things--I think. :) Thanks!

    Thomas--Another young man!! (No offense to Michaels Number One and Two. I'm sure you are both young, too. Very young.) Son, you know I love you. And I hope you keep after your writing. Hey, living with those guys should give you more blog fodder than you know what to do with! About the differences between a writer and a blogger: I may be "just a blogger." If that turns out to be the case, I'm fine with it. My wonderful readers here make it very easy to justify entertaining them through this medium, even if I never get very far with becoming an "author."

    You're all great, and you are the reason I'll write the next 1000 fallible posts!
    Posted by Katy  on  05/24/07  at  08:26 AM
  12. Congratulations, Katy! I keep coming back because you always have such a humorous way of looking at life, it does my heart good to read your writings :)
    Posted by Sunflower  on  05/25/07  at  04:10 AM
  13. Sunflower--We found each other early on, didn't we? And then my son Scott toured Asia, visited your country, and met you! Quite a thing we've got going on....Thank you for hanging in there with me!
    Posted by Katy  on  05/26/07  at  07:06 AM
  14. Congrats Katy. Your blogging is only an extension of your ability to blether.

    I visit to keep compare your thoughts on your travels to Ireland and here in Scotland and your views on the family history thing (I really must speak to you about David McCallum).

    However, your posting yesterday was a stunner, I think I would have disgraced him there and then in public for anyone to hear.

    God Bless

    John P.
    Posted by John McKenna  on  05/27/07  at  04:51 AM
  15. John P--Ah, yes. The blessing of blether! I did NOT know that lovely Scottish word until our cousin Frank taught it to me when they came to the US.

    I LOVE it that you visit here. Soon (today?) I'll write an update on my quest for a British passport to call my own....
    Posted by Katy  on  05/28/07  at  06:42 AM
  16. I visit weekly for the wit and the gentle spirit. This is a milestone--and in part, thanks to you, I am just now getting started with blogging.
    Posted by Terri Lowry  on  06/07/07  at  11:45 AM
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