Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Getting To Know Him, Getting To Know All About Him

I think you’ve figured out by now that Doug and I really are Empty Nesters. Not counting, of course, that we crammed upwards of 50 people in here for an OctoberFest Friday night, that is. But those were the kind of people who have the good sense to leave by, like, midnight, unlike us. We stay here, together. Just the two of us.
I’m getting to know my husband all over again these days, and it occurs to me that you should have that privilege as well. My little friend Galadriel just interviewed her young man over at I Hate Laundry, and she inspired me to do the same. (I think her idea of regularly interviewing a randomly chosen commenter is SO fun that I might hafta copy offa her. Stay tuned.)

Happily even afterBut we’ll start with Doug, the poor fellow. If you have any follow-up questions for him, feel free to post them in the comments. I am sure he will be more than happy to answer!

Katy: I distinctly remember the moment we met. The near proximity of a drinking fountain was involved, with a water-stained brown carpet underneath it. Our Bible teacher was in the next room, waiting for class to start up again. A mutual friend of ours introduced us. Can you tell me her name?

Doug: Dorothy. (Or possibly Annie). I always wanted to buy and frame the little piece of stained carpet, but it’s gone now.

Katy: Do you remember what I thought the moment we met? Oh, wait. Can you remember things I thought, or just things YOU thought?

Doug: You’ve told me you thought “I will marry this guy.” A better thought might have been, “I’ll check up on this guy later when he figures out what he’s doing with his life.”

Katy: OK, then. What did YOU think at the moment we met? Did you like the cute little red-haired girl even a little? Or were you wanting to get back to class so you could focus on learning Greek words and talking about raising people from the dead?

Doug: I always had my eye out for cute little red-haired girls, and, lucky for you, you were the only one in the school. I was quite distracted during class that semester, which is unfortunate since raising people from the dead would have come in handy.

Katy: Two and one-half years later, I gave up hope on you becoming aware of my existence. Did you?

Doug: This is when I sat around with the guys talking about the great women of the church, and you were always top of the list. Everyone’s list—so I figured my chances were slim.

Katy: But then we finally had that one date. You know the one, on July 8, 1976?

Doug: You were about to leave for Scotland for a month, so I figured I better feed you since the food over there is so awful. But that was one awesome date, and segues nicely to your next point.

Katy: That we got engaged on August 21.

Doug: Is that a question? Because it’s a little late to reconsider now. The park where I popped the question was on its way to becoming a scary, crime-ridden hang out. When you said “of course,” I wasn’t sure if you meant it or just wanted to get out of the park fast.

Katy: Tell my fallible readers about what you like to do now that the kids are raised and you have a bit of leisure time on your hands. Travel? Golf? Raise people from the dead?

Doug: Nay on the resurrections per the lack of training noted above. The kids are gone? I guess I should come out of my office more often. Let’s travel, girl!

Katy: Then there’s your music. You’ve written some darned good songs over the years. What do you plan to do with them? Record them? Do videos of yourself performing them on YouTube? Sing them while attempting to raise people from the dead?

Doug: I’d love to get some worship songs published, shared, distributed free inside Cheerios boxes, etc.

Katy: If you could only come up with three major reasons why you’re madly in love with me, what would they be? I know it must be very extremely difficult to limit yourself to three, but try.

Doug: The red hair (which you bravely told me was L’Oreal right after we got engaged), your fun, witty, snarky sense of humor, and the amazing way you give yourself away so selflessly.

Katy: If neither of us croak in the near future, where do you see us in 5 years? Ten years? Twenty years is pushing our luck, so we won’t go there.

Doug: Don’t worry about the croaking part, because I still have those textbooks, and I have every intention of catching up on that lesson. In case I die first, I’ll leave a sticky note on that chapter.

Katy: Do you think God has some plan for us as Empty Nesters and how the heck do we figure out what it is?

Doug: Seriously, I’m sure He does. The writing and music will find more space to happen, but we’ve also talked lately about teaching ESL locally, and taking missions trips (but only to moderate climates ;)

Katy: If you could name three of my cutest personality traits, what would they be?

Doug: Riotous laughter, total honesty, and true kindness.

Katy: Do you know I think you are the most handsome, brilliant, spiritual, talented, and sexy man in the universe? If you DON’T know, you might not be as brilliant as I thought. Because, honestly, I tell you all the time. Discuss.

Doug: I think you know I know you think that’s true in our little corner of the universe on Rolling Hills Road, and that’s good enough.

Katy: Can we go to Starbucks now?

Doug: Do you have a coupon?

Posted by Katy on 10/28/07 at 09:01 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy,
    I love this! Very cute.
    Posted by Suzan  on  10/29/07  at  04:25 PM
  2. I like being your little friend. Thanks for not being too ashamed to be seen with me!
    Posted by galadriel  on  10/29/07  at  05:51 PM
  3. When do I get to hear some of these songs he writes?
    Posted by alison  on  10/29/07  at  06:28 PM
  4. Katy, that was awesome! I enjoyed it a lot. Now my question for Doug: why don't you blog anymore? (or do you, and I've just lost track??)
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  10/30/07  at  01:25 PM
  5. Allison: Do you buy Cheerios? Actually, your son-in-law asked if I could play in a fund-raising concert he is planning for December, and I said I might be able to.

    Cindy: Ouch! You're right, I've fallen off the Blogwagon. I'm think I was torturing Katy by making her look at my pained expression and my fingers hovering motionless over the keyboard, while she said, "Come on, this isn't the Gettysburg Address--just spit it out!"
    Posted by draymond  on  10/30/07  at  10:13 PM
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