Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Getting A Clue

So if an editor or agent or publisher asked me to describe my blog readership, what should I say?

If a whole bunch of you would leave a comment with your age, marital status, ages of kids, etc., I'd have a more accurate idea than I do right now. Throw in something about your occupation and church affiliation, too, if you'd like. Anything you want to share about yourself. I like to think I know my readers, but you may surprise me!

Go ahead. I love surprises.
Posted by Katy on 03/23/05 at 11:03 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Hi, Katy!
    Is this a hypothetical? I hope not, I hope you are actually "in talks" with a publisher or agent or whatever! Anyway, about me: I'm 32 years old, been married 10 years. I'm a stay-at-home homeschooling Mom to my four munchkins: Natalie, age 8; Noah, age 6; Jonathan, age 5; and Josiah, age 3. We are members of a Free Methodist church, but this has more to do with loving the people and it being the best fit in our area than a certain denominational affiliation. I lead worship once a month for Sunday services, and every week for our ladies' Bible study. And your blog is one of the first things I do every day!
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  03/23/05  at  06:05 PM
  2. I'm 36, recently remarried, and have a son age 12. I'm a photographer that may be getting a second fulltime job, depending on how the interview goes. I was raised Lutheran but go to a Science of Mind church when I go, which isn't that often. I'm also so liberal that I sometimes agree with the conservatives, but only sometimes! I'm betting your readers will be from a very wide range of backgrounds.
    Posted by Jackie  on  03/23/05  at  07:00 PM
  3. I'm 50 and widowed. I have two children still at home--one teenager and one who's grown but likes home cooked food too much to leave.

    And I'm a protestent nondenominational who goes to a Baptist church.

    Ooh, and I'm Canadian--that might help increase your diversity quotient a little.
    Posted by rebecca  on  03/23/05  at  07:36 PM
  4. I'm not-quite-21, a junior at a state university studying filmmaking. I have gone to various churches in the PCA (Presbyterian Church of America) all my life, and I am quite involved with their campus ministry, Reformed University Fellowship (RUF). I am unmarried and childless for now, which is good, because I can barely handle doing my own laundry. I don't remember exactly when I started reading fallible, but I do know that it was via your son Scott. And hey, remember when we had lunch in KC that one time? :) That was fun.
    Posted by Bethany  on  03/23/05  at  08:14 PM
  5. Let's see...

    I'm 32, married, and have zero children (as of now). I'm a graphic designer. I go to Jacob's Well. I grew up in Southern CA, with a 7-year stint in Denver, CO as a kid. I miss CA, but I like it better here. I went to art school after a 7-year career designing computer games. I like making experimental films. I have recorded three CDs... And, seemingly, I have a thing for 7-years durations.
    Posted by timsamoff  on  03/23/05  at  08:52 PM
  6. Hi Katy,

    I'm 50ish, married for 18 years, no children, stay at home housewife, have seven pets (cats and dogs), worked as an administrative assistant until about 7 years ago, belong to a nondenominational evangelical church (which was planted by a Congregational Church here in New England). Hope that helps!

    Posted by Maureen  on  03/23/05  at  09:11 PM
  7. This is the first time I've happened upon your blog, but I love it and it's won't be my last. I am a married wife with four children and a dog. I love the Lord!!!!
    Posted by Paula  on  03/23/05  at  09:30 PM
  8. I am also not-quite-21 (17 days left), single but to be engaged within a year, no kids (eek!), born in Dallas, TX, hometown in Tennessee, live in Georgia, moving to Alabama after graduation, student that is graduating in December, and I'm a Christian. I tend to go to nondenominational churches. I'll graduate with my degree in Management.
    Posted by Kevin  on  03/23/05  at  09:39 PM
  9. I'm 24 years old and have just started Interior Design classes at a local Technical school. I am single and have no children. I am actively involved in my church which is a Church of God. I thoroughly love reading your Blog.
    Posted by Courtney  on  03/23/05  at  10:15 PM
  10. Do you need credit card and bank information too?

    In the forties, married, two boys.

    your readership includes intelligent, caring, beautiful, spiritual people. The perfect reflection of the author.

    ...Can you tell I'm in marketing?

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  03/23/05  at  10:50 PM
  11. 24, not married, HR/Accounting Representative (without a degree in either), finishing a BA in English, writing a book about 20-somethings and the church, plays guitar, loves Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and is a member of an awesome Southern Baptist church in Tulsa, OK.

    The best way to get people to comment on your blog is to ask them to talk about themselves. We're such a me-centered society, aren't we? =)
    Posted by Amber  on  03/23/05  at  11:46 PM
  12. * 53 (but still think I'm "about 35 or so")
    * married
    * two daughters in their 30's
    * five grandchildren from 1 to 12
    * author of over 45 novels and a bunch of blog entries
    * attend Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Boise
    Posted by Robin Lee Hatcher  on  03/24/05  at  12:57 AM
  13. 24. Single. From NC, but now live in Bosnia where I work with an interdenominational mission agency. From a PCA background. Enjoy your writing, but don't think I've ever commented before!
    Posted by Elizabeth  on  03/24/05  at  01:25 AM
  14. => 28 years old
    => Married almost 11 years
    => Two children (girl & boy)
    => At home mom
    => Currently attending college via internet
    => Pentecostal
    => Write inspirational articles
    => Compiling best-loved inspirational pieces for a book
    => Christian romance book in progress
    Posted by Hope Wilbanks  on  03/24/05  at  01:55 AM
  15. 29, single, but engaged (July 23rd is the big day), grew up Charismatic, but now I'm what *I* would consider conservative Christianity, but what others would probably call liberal (I'm the only Christian I know who is a card-carrying member of the ACLU!). Oh and a Mac-geek.
    Posted by Brandon Edling  on  03/24/05  at  02:14 AM
  16. I'm Canadian, almost 50 years old, married 31 years, with 2 married daughters who have 5 beautiful children between them.

    I am not able to work due to debilitating fibromyalgia symptoms. I was a homemaker while my children were growing up. When my children were almost adults I went to school for a year to get a certificate in bookkeeping with computer applications and worked in a number of temporary jobs before my symptoms became too severe to continue. Now I'm a homemaker again.

    I currently attend an Evangelical Free Church but have been a member of a number of protestant denominations over the years.

    I've only been reading your blog for a short time but I'm very impressed!

    Posted by Sabine  on  03/24/05  at  02:38 AM
  17. Hmm...

    I'm 23, non-denominational background, but I'd now consider myself PCA...living in Scotland for college, but only for a few more months (hurrah!)...no kids, no husband....I'm a youthworker, but do hope to be a writer....
    Posted by Michaela  on  03/24/05  at  02:43 AM
  18. Hi Katy,

    I'm almost 22 years old (in 6 days!), and have been married for 5 months. No children yet. I'm a receptionist, and go to an Assemblies of God church. Oh, and I'm Australian. :o)

    Posted by Alyssa  on  03/24/05  at  03:04 AM
  19. Hi,
    I'm in my 50s, one husband, two kids both live away from home, one within the last weeks (*sniff*), attend PAOC (pentecostal) church, work at home doing medical transcription and freelance writing, I'm Canadian (and now I'll take a breath).
    Posted by violet  on  03/24/05  at  03:51 AM
  20. *34
    *4 kids (ages 2-9)
    *raised as a non-denominational missionary kid (when you're missionaries, you ARE the church!), am currently a member of a Southern Baptist "mega-church" but moved away a year ago and can't connect with one locally. Might look into Calvary Chapel, or something laid back after our wonderful-but-over-the-top mega church.

    *Occupation: SAHM, homeschool mom, and freelance writer
    Posted by Lori Seaborg  on  03/24/05  at  04:52 AM
  21. Middle 20s, single, no kids, physician, currently attending an Episcopalian church, but really just trying to find God.

    And a condo. And a boyfriend. ;)
    Posted by Maria  on  03/24/05  at  06:50 AM
  22. I'm 22 and single; in my third year of Chemical Engineering in University. :) I go to a Methodist Church, and went to a Methodist School for 10 years.

    I'm from Singapore, a little island in Asia which not all that many people know about. And I'm a first-time commenter too! ;)
    Posted by Laughingcow  on  03/24/05  at  10:18 AM
  23. Hi Katy...I'm late 40's, married for going on 27 years, three children ages 25, 22 and 18. Radio announcer and voice-over artist by occupation. Baptist by denomination.
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  03/24/05  at  03:10 PM
  24. I'm a 47 year old divorced father of 7 (ages 19 to 7). I attend a "grace oriented" Bible church in Dallas, Texas. I work as a bankruptcy attorney. I came to your Blog via jeannedamoff.com. I went to high school with Jeanne.
    Posted by Craig  on  03/24/05  at  03:18 PM
  25. Wow..Katy...I'm so impressed by the variety of your readers! You are amazingly cool!!! Love ya!
    Posted by Bridget  on  03/24/05  at  04:57 PM
  26. Hi Katy, I'm sort of a new reader here but have really enjoyed hearing your thoughts and stories.

    I'm 22, engaged to be married in August, and finishing an English degree at Azusa Pacific University in Southern California. Sadly, I'm entering the big world of life after school in just a few weeks here...

    I love to write and have done a little bit of freelancing, but I hope to work for a magazine or possibly a newspaper.

    Oh, and I go to a Vineyard church, but I'm not really tied to any denomination.
    Posted by Hannah  on  03/24/05  at  07:14 PM
  27. Hi Katy,

    * I've been reading you for at least a year or so; I found you through Sara Cat, formerly of foolishness.net.
    * I'm 23, married, no kids.
    * I graduated from college almost a year ago with a B.A. in English/writing. I'm currently working at a Christian bookstore, which has nothing to do with my degree, but I'd like to go into editing/proofreading, and since I live in a Christian publishing mecca (Grand Rapids, Mich.), hopefully that will happen soon.
    * I fantasize about writing, but have no self-confidence and very little stamina. I'd get more writing practice if I maintained a regular blog, but instead I live vicariously through others' blogs (like yours!). However, my husband is currently attempting to persuade me to jump on the bandwagon of his fantasy novel and breath a little life into his skin-and-bones writing style.
    * I grew up in the Church of the Nazarene, but my current home is a Vineyard fellowship, and I see I'm not the only one...
    Posted by Lisa J.  on  03/25/05  at  12:11 AM
  28. I'm 44, married 19 years, two daughters (ages 6 & 11), SAHM mom from time first child born until last few weeks - previously a software engineer, now working part-time in schools and considering becoming a teacher. Have been in Vineyards (a few different ones) since 1979.
    Posted by Chris(tine)  on  03/25/05  at  06:17 AM
  29. Hi Katy, coming into this a bit late, but lemme see: 27, single, no kids (*grin*), NOT from North America (just couldn't resist sticking that one in)... journalist/feature writer, and supposedly Methodist (I don't really care about denominations, but the church I'm with now is Methodist).
    Posted by irene  on  03/25/05  at  08:08 AM
  30. Hi Katy,

    I'm a 17 year old from Australia. I am currently job hunting. Single, no kids. I attend a Baptist Church and a UniChurch (affliated with Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students).

    Have been reading your blog for about a year now, but this is my first comment.
    Posted by Kylie  on  03/25/05  at  09:03 AM
  31. I'm 45, married with one adult daughter aged 23, and I sing in a praise and worship band...along with writing short stories and working on a book of my own. I've been reading for about 6 months. I think an essay type book with your blogs would be wonderful. It's terrific writing. Humorous, heartfelt, personal, and something I try not to miss...I'm sure it would sell very well!
    Posted by Michelle  on  03/25/05  at  09:02 PM
  32. katy -
    happy easter!

    32, single, no kids, want a yellow lab, go to jacobs well, happened here through sco and jw, friends with timsamoff (earlier comment), business owner...

    Posted by jason  on  03/28/05  at  03:44 AM
  33. Just turned 26 on easter, grew up in Southern Caliornia, spent 6 years in Taiwan (10-16)single, no kids but hang out with plenty of babies & lil cuties every week, and currently in banking. i found your blog through ireneq :) i really like your writing and positive humorous outlook on life.
    Posted by jane  on  04/07/05  at  12:59 AM
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