Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Freak Out!

At Halloween, I posted a vintage pic of an endearing group of miniature clowns, consisting of my kids and their cousins. My sister Bridget commented that clowns have always freaked her out, and I had to admit I feel the same way.

The only way I could handle dressing my innocent kids up in red wigs and atrocious make-up was by repeating over and over to myself, “These $2 costumes were the cheapest deal this side of the Mississippi. Get over yourself!”

But the Christmas season holds a particular terror for me, one that’s WAY scarier than clowns will ever be: Nutcrackers!

Doug and I enjoyed a lovely day of holiday shopping today, except for the fact that everywhere we went, we were fairly assailed by the sight of them. Golfing nutcrackers, bagpiping nutcrackers, cowboy nutcrackers, all with the selfsame squared off jawline and beady eyes.

I made myself pull the lever on a couple of those dudes, because you know, it’s very important to face our fears.

And when their mouths jerked open and then clamped down like a vise, I’m proud to say, I only screamed a little.

Anything about Christmas that terrifies you?

Posted by Katy on 12/09/05 at 10:15 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Loosin' Santa's rear and legs and dancin' hips :)
    Posted by Ame  on  12/09/05  at  11:30 PM
  2. The January credit card bill.
    Posted by Michael O'Connor  on  12/10/05  at  03:22 AM
  3. Ame--That WAS really scary. And Mom was a bit afraid for health care workers unaware to pop into her apartment, because they might be shocked into fleeing just when she needs them most...

    Michael--I tried to access your blog and few days ago, and failed. And now today, you're back! I've just been entertained twice--once when I read your entries to myself, and again when I regaled Doug with them.

    Everybody, if you've never clicked over to the site of One Of The Four Michaels Who Comments Here, give yourself a Christmas gift right now!! He is hilarious! And leave him a comment, too. Cause I said so, that's why!
    Posted by Katy  on  12/10/05  at  08:34 AM
  4. So, I guess Dylan's collection of nutcrackers might just put you over the edge, huh?!

    I'm got issues with those old silver trees from the 70s. I swore I'd always have a real tree in my house after having that one around for so many years.
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/10/05  at  12:11 PM
  5. I'm afraid I do have issues...However I did buy a bagpiping Nutcracker for the McKenna gift exchange--an expensive one gotten for a good price at Tuesday Morning--hoping Dylan can snag it.

    I LOVE the silver trees! Our friends the art collectors just had a party last weekend, to showcase their ten foil trees from the good old days. They've got silver, pink, blue, gold, etc and color wheels, too. I wish I had Baga's silver tree--they're worth about a million on ebay! Not that I would ever DREAM of selling hers... :)
    Posted by Katy  on  12/10/05  at  12:21 PM
  6. Wonder what ever happened to that ugly, old tree? I know Mom had it for a while at her house, but then it just disappeared. Hmmm...
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/10/05  at  05:37 PM
  7. See, that's weird. I don't remember Mom having it. Are you sure? Because I ended up with the satin apples that Baga always hung on it (also highly collectible now). And I sure don't remember Mom using the color wheel at her house--did she? Maybe old age has really set in now...

    All I know is that someone should have hung onto it. Our buddy paid thousands for a pink tree a couple months ago on ebay!
    Posted by Katy  on  12/10/05  at  06:15 PM
  8. Yep, she had it. I have pics of me standing in front of it in her living room. Oh, come on...thousands? That's just crazy!
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/10/05  at  10:47 PM
  9. Yep. $3000. It was a really rare one. Right now, the highest priced one on ebay is $700. Wild, huh?
    Posted by Katy  on  12/11/05  at  07:30 AM
  10. Well, I'm still waiting for someone else to admit that every Christmas you get as freaked out as I do by CHIA PETS!!!! Oh my gosh, is there anything uglier on the planet??? :)
    Posted by Katy  on  12/12/05  at  05:40 PM
  11. A John Kerry Chia Headâ„¢?
    Posted by Michael O'Connor  on  12/12/05  at  07:29 PM
  12. Oh, dear Lord in heaven above (and dear Michael Number Three Of The Four Michaels Who Comment Here), say it isn't so!!!

    Or, at least, say it isn't trademarked! :)
    Posted by Katy  on  12/12/05  at  07:35 PM
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