Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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First Date

Twenty-nine years ago tonight, Doug and I had our first date. We went to an all-you-can-eat joint called Joe's Barn. Doug shelled out four bucks for each of us, but I'm afraid he lost money on me.

The last thing a girl wants to do on her first date with the man she's going to marry is eat all she can eat.

Yeah. I knew he was the man for me the minute we met, fully 2 1/2 years before our first date. Our first date, by the way, was our only date before we got engaged six weeks later. What did we do during those six weeks, you might ask?

Burned up the phone lines between Missouri and Scotland, that's what. By the time I returned home, Doug must have thought he'd made too large of an investment in our relationship not to pop the question, cause he didn't waste five minutes proposing.

This morning I reminded him of today's memory. "Too bad Joe's Barn isn't there anymore, or we could go celebrate."

"True," he said, "but 29 years ago, we didn't have Starbucks. Now we can celebrate every day."

And then he pulled me into his arms and kissed me, way more romantically that we could have gotten away with while carrying our own trays of fried chicken and cinnamon rolls at Joe's Barn. His enthusiasm nearly took my breath away.

"We didn't do THAT 29 years ago today," he said.

"So, you think we've got it better now, huh?"

"Oh, yeah."

From the minute we met, I knew.
Posted by Katy on 07/08/05 at 10:16 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. That's so cool. :)

    I always remember the anniversary of my first date with my own Doug (and yep, that's his real name!) November 27, 1977. We went bowling. Maybe we should commemorate it this year. :)
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  07/11/05  at  04:21 PM
  2. I just stumbled across your blog when a blast from my past hit me in the face; Joe's Barn. I can remember football banquets there, and occassionally a church singles night. I have been away from the stomping grounds for about eight years and boy things have changed. It is kinda of cool to find somebody through the miles and wires that's familiar with the metro area. Thanks for rekindling some fond memories.
    Posted by Sparky  on  07/12/05  at  07:04 PM
  3. You guys are so romantic!

    I didn't really have a 'first date' with my husband, we just decided, after discussing it extensively, that we would become boyfriend and girlfriend (or start courting). That happened on the 19th of April 2003.

    Luckily, that date is also our nephew's first birthday, so my husband finds it very easy to remember! :o)
    Posted by Alyssa  on  07/13/05  at  01:55 AM
  4. you guys ARE so romantic. our first date...we went to see dazed and confused at the brew 'n view in chicago, where we were currently exploring the world of being official college dropouts. i doubt we'd ever revisit, but it makes for a funny memory...
    Posted by lisa  on  07/15/05  at  09:07 PM
  5. Cindy--I love revisiting the early days, except for lots of our "landmarks" have disappeared! The restaurant on the Plaza where we drank coffee into the wee hours the night we got engaged is no more. It's now a stylish, upscale coffee place, with nary a hippie in sight!

    Sparky--That is so cool! You could really get filled up at old Joe's Barn, huh? Do you get back to KC often?

    Alyssa--As long as you preserve the day for the sake of celebrating later, that's all that matters. Besides your wedding anniversary, you should have an engageaversary and a first-dateaversary (or in your case, a decision to start courting.) I find the older I get (and the more I accumulate sad anniversaries), the more I cling to these happy days and want to commemorate them in some way.

    Lisa--Is Dazed and Confused a band? Or just your state of mind at the time? :) Hey, Doug and I should name a date to celebrate that we skipped college altogether. Hmmm....no, my kids read my blog...
    Posted by Katy  on  07/15/05  at  10:15 PM
  6. actually, it's a throwback to the teenage-party-scene-sometime-in-the-seventies movie, came out sometime around 1993ish. i'm sure you can find it at blockbuster, if you're ever in the mood for such a thing..
    Posted by lisa  on  07/16/05  at  09:34 PM
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