Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Firmly Resolved

There are a few things I must have resolved somewhere along the way that have actually stuck. They weren’t New Year’s resolutions, just things I determined to do or not to do, and succeeded.

As prone to addictions as I seem to be, I decided as a young woman that reading racy romance novels would not be in my best interest. I knew that I’d end up one of those girls who reads one per day and can’t go to sleep until she finishes the one she started at the office and turns down offers of a social life so she can stay home and devour another morsel. I also knew old ladies (my grandfather’s live-in maid was one) whose otherwise sparsely-furnished one-room apartments were filled with cardboard boxes from the A&P stuffed with yellowed paperbacks, whose well-worn covers were as ripped as the bodices within.

Yikes! I did NOT want to be one of those old ladies! I firmly resolved not to get started, so I wouldn’t have to firmly resolve to stop!

Even so, I managed to get sucked into The Guiding Light after Scotty was born in 1979. I watched that darned thing every day until Kevvie came along 5.5 years later. I used to send Scotty and Carrie up for their naps so I could imbibe in peace, but come on. Do other 5-year-olds still take naps? Finally, one day Scott said to me, “Why is this show OK for you to watch, but not OK for me?”

I couldn’t come up with a good answer fast enough. The TV got turned off once and for all, at least at 2 in the afternoon M-F.

One other thing I’ve sworn off before starting—because I could somehow see the end from the beginning and the end involved me being a bag lady—is scrapbooking. I realized that shopping for the various elements of the making of the books would be the thing that would latch on to me and not let go. I prophesied that no actual scrapbooks would be created no matter how wholeheartedly I claimed to be embracing the hobby. Only shopping would be accomplished—and lots of it.

So I just said no, to myself and to all those who may have imagined themselves as hopeful future recipients of a Handmade Lovingly Fashioned Katy Scrapbook. Darn. Even now, I’ll admit I’m still tempted…

There you have it. Two things I’ve never done, because of my firm resolution and yes, I’ll just say it—strong constitutional willpower.

You can stop laughing now. And tell me: Any resolutions you’ve accidentally made that have actually taken? Because the ones I made yesterday, they are SO over.

Posted by Katy on 01/02/07 at 08:07 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Oh! Me too! Me too! Addicted to Guiding Light in the 70s. (For me it was 1976, and the excuse was, I had to sit down to nurse the baby anyway.) My addiction was broken the day my mother (who'd raised us to believe soap operas were pretty much of the devil himself) drove in and I practically threw the baby on the sofa in my haste to turn off that TV before she got to the door. Then I worried myself sick that she'd touch the top of the set, feel that it was still warm, and question me on what I could possibly be watching of value at that time of day. I didn't want to live in deceit with my own mother, so I gave up GL rather than face confessing it to her. Thanks for bringing that funny memory to mind. : )

    As for resolutions, "Write the book" was at the bottom of my short list of New Years resolutions in 1993. I wrote the prologue on New Years Day and finished the book in May of 1994. I've been writing ever since.
    Posted by Deb Raney  on  01/02/07  at  02:35 PM
  2. Deb!! Always so fun to see you here (or anywhere...). About the Guiding Light (waving to Josh and Reva!): I felt so darned guilty about watching it, that I actually confessed to my pastor. I told him I was involved in something horrible, and that I needed to come clean. Then I told him I was addicted to a soap opera and he said, "If that's the worst thing you ever tell me, I'll be a happy man." As far as I know, that was the worst thing I ever told him!! :) Boy, back in the old days, good old-fashioned guilt and shame were huge motivators, huh? (The opinions of moms meant a lot, too.)

    Deb's first book, for those who don't know, was A Vow to Cherish. It was made into a movie and the book was recently re-released for its tenth anniversary. It's a tear-jerker, in a good way. I loved it.
    She's now written a gazillion others. Soon, I hope to discuss her soon-to-be-released Remember to Forget here on fallible!
    Posted by Katy  on  01/02/07  at  02:56 PM
  3. I LOVE the artwork in the sidebar of your blog!
    Posted by Tina  on  01/02/07  at  03:24 PM
  4. Katy, do you know where I can find a copy of "Deb"'s (I feel akward using nicnames for someone I don't know) book? =)
    Posted by Lynn  on  01/03/07  at  03:59 AM
  5. Tina--Thank you! These are stickers that make with a box of stationery. When my hubby did my redesign a couple years ago, I knew I wanted them and the Victorian lady as the main elements. Glad you like it!

    Lynn--I saw A Vow to Cherish in Barnes & Noble just yesterday. Deb's upcoming book, Remember to Forget, releases (according to Amazon) on Feb 6, and is available to preorder. If you key in Deborah Raney at Amazon, all Deb's books will pop up. (BTW, the only reason I call Deb Deb is because Deb calls Deb Deb. Don't you, Deb? Ha.)
    Posted by Katy  on  01/03/07  at  07:17 AM
  6. LOL, I answer to Deborah, Debbie, Deb, hey you...please don't feel awkward with any of the above, Lynn. And thanks for asking about my books. They're available at any online bookstore, Barnes & Noble, Borders, etc. or for an autographed copy, go to signedbytheauthor.com.

    Tina, I love the sidebar artwork, too. I think my first comment ever to Katy was about that. Even better is the more recent addition of photos of Katy and coffee on the opposite sidebar. : )
    Posted by Deb Raney  on  01/03/07  at  07:43 AM
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