Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Firming Up My Lack of Resolve

I'm starting to think the reason I'm so pathetic at keeping New Year's resolutions is that I'm horrible at making them.

For a person who loves nothing better than an original thought, I've never managed to think up a resolution even remotely creative enough to spark a fire of inspiration or motivation under my sorry rear end. And so, here I sit, with only two short days left to come up with a clue.

And I got nothin'. Amazingly, though, I can look back on this past year and see positive changes in my life.

I didn't resolve, exactly, to get a handle on the clutter in my life, but in two months' time this fall, I made remarkable progress toward that end. I didn't make a formal calligraphized notation in a leather journal announcing my intention to have our finances in a much better condition by the end of 2004, but nevertheless, it happened.

I didn't write down the customary "Exercise and lose weight!!!!" like I've done every year since Twiggy was the one to watch, and sure enough, I didn't exercise or lose weight.

Oh, well. You can't win 'em all. But I'm thinking you can win some of them, even if you don't bore yourself into oblivion by promising you will.

Can you look back on this past year and feel good about an area of your life that changed for the better, sans New Year's resolution?

To me, when that happens, it feels so great it almost makes me want to resolve to never resolve anything again.
Posted by Katy on 12/30/04 at 09:55 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I haven't made a New Year's resolution in years. The main reason being that the beginning of the school year has never stopped "feeling" like a "new year" to me. (My first one went to preschool when I was 25 and the youngest is still in school) I wonder if that feeling is true for others. Maybe why the clutter clear-out went so well for you this fall?
    Personally, I was too exhausted this fall to resolve to do ANYTHING. And now is not the right time. :)

    Posted by Anne  on  12/30/04  at  10:45 PM
  2. The best resolve seems to come more slowly, from something deeper than a change in the calendar. Katy's 4 years of great blogging finally encouraged me to stick my toes in the blog pool this year. Fortunately, Katy resolved some time ago to be patient with me.
    Posted by Doug Raymond  on  12/31/04  at  04:16 AM
  3. Anne--Well, I never would have thought of your explanation for not getting aboard the resolution train--but it's a great one! Yes, since I started kindergarted, August has been the beginning of the year. (School was the beginning of life, I loved it so much.) New clothes, new shoes, new supplies, and most of all NEW TEXTBOOKS! I was so excited, I had them all read before the first week was over. Thanks for pointing this out to me! Yes, you have had an exhausting year, it's fair to say...How is that hubby of yours doing?

    Doug--I think you were just being gracious and letting me get my blogging feet wet before you jumped in with your wonderful writing! Well, I guess it's fair to say my feet are wet now, baby, so keep on writing!
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/03/05  at  04:02 PM
  4. Dennis is doing fine, Katy. Thanks for asking. He says he's not feeling 100% yet, but that hasn't kept him from chopping dead tree limbs up around here and renovating a friend's bathroom. If I had half his energy I'd be a much more productive person! I get tired just watching him sometimes. :) All I can do is keep on reminding him that his heart is a muscle and if his thigh had been all cut up instead of his heart, he'd still be limping! What can I say....:)
    Posted by Anne  on  01/04/05  at  10:38 PM
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