Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Fashion (Non)Sense

Overheard at the grocery store, when Doug and I passed by several young women with paunchy bellies overhanging their already-down-to-there pants:

"Yeah, and I heard they're coming out with even lower jeans."

That's just what the world needs now.
Posted by Katy on 01/04/05 at 04:44 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. LOL! :-)
    Posted by Deb  on  01/05/05  at  12:06 AM
  2. They weren't necessarily *happy* about this, were they? ;)
    Posted by Steph  on  01/05/05  at  04:44 AM
  3. i've noticed that nowadays they actually rip their jeans on the sides down to where you would usually see underwear (katy, i'll take credit for returning to this subject here at fallible..this time ;), but you just get more of a glimpse than you'd want of skin. not helped by the fact that the ends of their shirts are dangling far above their navels...well, God love 'em, I'm just glad to not be fourteen this year and feel the need to keep up.

    Posted by lisa  on  01/05/05  at  04:42 PM
  4. Oh, NO!!!! Make it stop!!!
    Posted by Mary  on  01/07/05  at  05:56 PM
  5. Seriously! Not only did the group of girls seem happy, they seemed to have structured all their fondest hopes and dreams around the possibility that jeans would go yet lower.

    The news that "they're coming out with even lower jeans" had the effect of brightening the countenances of the girls, where before the news was announced by one to the others we'd noticed the young women appeared sullen, their faces downcast...
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/07/05  at  06:55 PM
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