Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Fallen Apple Makes Good, Tree Notwithstanding

I’ve been waiting a good long while to make this announcement. If not for the virtue of patience, gracefully refined in me lo these fifty-three years, I would not have been able to keep my blog shut. Ha.

I’m proud to announce that Scott Douglas Raymond (my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased) is now a published author! He was approached by O’Reilly Publishers to write a book entitled “Ajax on Rails,” which—contrary to what many of you fallible readers are thinking right now—has NOTHING to do with the diligent, abrasive scrubbing of filthy train tracks.

No, my friends. No housewives will be harmed in the reading of this book, or in following its instructions, either. It’s a computer language manual, a fascinating tome that I was honored to help edit—at least, the parts of the manuscript that include actual words. I don’t edit code too well, in case you were wondering.

Not to brag or anything (OK, to brag and everything!), but Scott is considered something of a world-renowned expert in this field. He’s regularly invited to speak at conferences around the US and even in Europe. Pretty cool for a young whippersnapper, eh?

Please join me in congratulating Scott and his lovely wife, Brooke, now a seasoned pro herself in (among many other things) living with an author-in-progress.

Here’s the link to Ajax on Rails!

If you’re in KC on the 27th, pop by the house for Scott’s book launching party!

Posted by Katy on 01/15/07 at 11:08 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. OK - just had one of those confusing but enlightening connect-the-dots moments.

    Congratulations to your son! And good on you for being willing to edit a technical book!!

    I had already heard about the book, though, from Tim Samoff's blog... and I was quite confused there for a moment or two. I pretty much gave up trying to identify where bloggers I read really live - they tend to fall into broad catagories like "in another country", "close to me", "on the west coast", or "somewhere else in the country". It's kinda disorienting when you find out there are other connections between bloggers that you never realized before...
    Posted by Chris(tine)  on  01/15/07  at  12:09 PM
  2. Chris(tine)! Wow! So, are you in KC? I know Tim S. from Jacob's Well, where he and my son go to church. And then yesterday, I see you over on Lisa Samson's new blog!

    This is getting fun, if not a bit confusing. You are right about that! :)
    Posted by Katy  on  01/15/07  at  12:25 PM
  3. Chris--Here's an hilarious one for you: A lady once left a comment here on a post I'd written about Ireland. She arrived at my blog by googling key words like "Belfast blog." Honestly. Nothing more specific than that. Then she starts reading here and finds out WE GO TO THE SAME CHURCH. (Waving to Alison!) Isn't that just too strange???
    Posted by Katy  on  01/15/07  at  12:27 PM
  4. Congrats to Scott and all the Raymonds! Very cool, exciting news. You have every reason to be proud.
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  01/15/07  at  01:53 PM
  5. Hi, Katy!

    No - I don't live in KC! I think I would have retained the fact that you lived there too a little better then! I would have wanted to meet you! :) I live in San Jose, CA.

    I just happened to stumble across Tim's blog and liked it a couple of years ago, and keep tabs on him (and their cute new baby) in my feed reader.

    It is kinda funny how smallish blog communities develop through time, considering the statistics of how many blogs there are out there. There must be some kind of research project waiting to be done, looking at how people make connections through blogs...

    I've seen you at other blogs, too - off the top of my head, I'm remembering Michael Main's...
    Posted by Chris(tine)  on  01/15/07  at  02:11 PM
  6. Congratulation to Scott! Our son-in-law wrote a book for O'Reilly, too.
    Posted by Sabine  on  01/15/07  at  10:10 PM
  7. Very cool :)
    Posted by jackie  on  01/16/07  at  05:59 PM
  8. Congrats and Kudos!
    Posted by Suzan  on  01/16/07  at  09:18 PM
  9. Jeanne--It's fun to be proud of the tykes, isn't it? :) Scott really is an amazing man. Thank you!

    Chris(tine)--Michael Main's is one of the first blogs I started reading. He is my Michael Number 1 of the 6 Michaels Who've Commented Here. I love him--and his wife, of course!

    Sabine--That is so cool! You have an accomplished son-in-law and such a beautiful name. How do you pronounce it?

    Jackie--Thank you. Our buttons are bursting over here!

    Suzan--You are a sweetie. Thank you!
    Posted by Katy  on  01/17/07  at  08:54 PM
  10. Thanks, Katy! I hated my name as a child because it was "different" but I like it now for that very same reason. In German it's pronounced "Zuh-bee'-neh" but I pronounce it "Suh-been'"
    Posted by Sabine  on  01/17/07  at  11:29 PM
  11. Can I resist a post where my name is mentioned? Just so you know it's a really, really small world, my daughter Jessica, who recently returned from Belfast attends Jacobs Well. So I was thinking it was about time we had lunch. When it warms up.
    Posted by alison  on  01/22/07  at  05:41 PM
  12. WOW! That is such great news, Katy. Thanks for sharing it with us! Congrats to Scott, and I have to say you must be amazing if you could edit a technical book and not fall asleep. (No offense to Scott, hehe.) I'm discovering that even language textbooks have that special soporific effect on me. Zzzz...
    Posted by Sunflower  on  01/25/07  at  09:34 AM
  13. Sabine--I love the way you pronounce it! Honestly, I want to name a novel character Sabine. It's fabulous.

    Alison--I'm happy Jessica settled on Jacob's Well! Have you visited there? We go once every couple of months. Pastor Tim will be at our house this weekend, for Scott's party!

    Sunflower--You sweetie! Who says I didn't fall asleep??? :) Hey, it beats drugs! The thing that keeps me awake when I look at the physical book in my hands is the acknowledgments page! He very graciously gave the nod to his old Mom and Pops, by name. Quite an honor! Thanks.
    Posted by Katy  on  01/25/07  at  03:46 PM
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