Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Extreme Butt Takeover

I can never do something “just a little bit.” Maybe you’ve noticed that about me.

So when I say I am going to get back into a serious weightloss groove, I really mean it. (Anybody got a peanut?)

I’ve dropped 4.5 pounds in 9 days, which for me is great. I’m motivated, organized, and self-sabotage has ceased to be a factor. And, just so you know, I don’t NEED no stinkin’ Starbucks! That’s right: Today is Day Nine Without.

I even have a few new words to live by. I’d give credit where it’s due if I knew where that is. If you happen to know, please comment here.

“The difference between need and want is remarkably similar to the difference between success and failure.”

I don’t need what I thought I needed, folks. And the things I truly want (things of lasting and especially eternal value) won’t be the ones that make a fat, cash-poor addict out of me.


Posted by Katy on 06/23/06 at 07:12 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy

    Are comments slightly lower?
    Just teasing you because I know that the last time you mentioned "underwear" your comments shot through the roof. Now that you have Butt in this post I'm sure comments will overflow your inbox.

    You have a great weekend.

    Take Care
    Posted by Michael #2  on  06/23/06  at  11:44 AM
  2. Take Care Michael--Sigh. It seems that even panty-speak doesn't bring out the commenters like it did in the good old days. What's a blogger to do? :)

    Hey, we're trying to raise money for my kid's final year of college (attempting to not go into debt). I could sponsor a blog-o-thon on his behalf! Oh, wait. The last time I did that (for Carrie's missions trip) I ended up out $150....

    Maybe personal blogs in general are at death's door, I don't know. I never check my stats, so I truly have no idea how many people actually pop in here, but if I took the number of comments to heart, I'd cry.

    On the other hand, the QUALITY of the folks who comment is gratifying, to say the least.
    Posted by Katy  on  06/23/06  at  11:57 AM
  3. Don't take the number of comments to heart. I occasionally receive e-mails from people telling me they've been reading my blog for years and love it, but they've never commented. I think LOTS of people read, enjoy, and get on with their day. If I commented on every blog I read, it would take up most of my time.

    If it makes you feel any better, a guy I knew in high school reads my blog (and rarely comments), but he saw your URL by a comment you left and starting reading yours, too. He emailed to thank me for introducing him to your blog.

    You're very open and real, Katy, and that connects with people, whether they comment or not. So, keep up the good work. And big congrats on the victory over your addictions and butt. :)
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  06/23/06  at  02:17 PM
  4. I've gotta say, I'm impressed...both about the Day 9 thing and about the weight loss thing. Way to go!

    P.S. I continue to lurk about; it's just summer, and somehow the need for words seems to diminish somewhat.
    Posted by Ginger  on  06/23/06  at  10:53 PM
  5. Jeanne--Your high school buddy left me a couple of comments! So sweet of him. Will you be at ACFW? I sure would love to see you there (with our lovely Relavant Mary).

    Thank you for the encouragement. I am on a lifelong mission (during which I sometimes lose my way...) to find my identity in my relationship with Christ, and not seek it from other people's "comments". Now THAT was open, wasn't it? :)

    Ginger--Thanks! It feels good to regain a bit of control over my own bod and mind. In these areas, I mean. In every other area, I am completely disciplined. ;) You know what my problem is? I got used to remembering to visit people's blogs when they left a comment on mine to remind me! (Instead of having them in my favorites, which they ARE!) Therefore, because I have a crummy memory, I haven't visited your blog, Ginger, since the last time you commented! And I LOVE your blog. OK, it's Saturday. I'm going pay a few visits....
    Posted by Katy  on  06/24/06  at  05:42 AM
  6. So, indeed!


    Personal blogs are at death's door? What? Nobody told ME!

    I'm hyper guilty of reading and not commenting. Sometimes posts on the zillion personal blogs (no death's door I'm aware of) are just so ... what? ... perfect, as is, I think a word from me might ruin it. But mostly, I'm just gobsmacked and can't find any words at all.

    Or maybe it's laziness.

    Posted by Jennifer  on  06/24/06  at  12:24 PM
  7. Yes,m. I'll be at ACFW. Can't wait to see you in all your sveltness.
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  06/24/06  at  12:59 PM
  8. So... I love your posts on all this self-discipline. I'm hoping that just by reading about your successes, somehow it will rub off on me. And you're talking about the three things at the top of my list - cutting back on coffee (especially expensive cafe drinks), losing weight, and de-junking and cleaning my house.

    I don't comment too often because I usually read you from my reader program. I should know not to do that with your blog, though - half the fun stuff to read happens in your comments!
    Posted by Chris(tine)  on  06/27/06  at  09:20 AM
  9. Jennifer--I'm as guilty as the next person, too. And maybe it's that I'm not reading as many personal blogs as I used to--could that be why I'm imagining they're dying out? It seems that so many are themed now--personal finance blogs, weightloss blogs, etc. I'll have to take another look....

    Jeanne--A lady friend of mine called me svelte once. Only once. That was 30 lbs ago. I enjoyed it very much!!! :) See you at ACFW!

    Chris(tine)--I always forget that people use those reader thingies. I tried it once, but found I really missed the joy of clicking on my fave blog sites and finding that they'd posted! So silly of me, but I like actually seeing the site "in person."

    Thank you for the comment about my comments feature. I have gotten more pure entertainment from other people's comments than just about anything....
    Posted by Katy  on  06/27/06  at  11:07 AM
  10. This is true. It is not the need that makes us fat, but the desire. But everything that is good in this world either got us fat, or is immoral.
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    Posted by Tom  on  02/02/09  at  04:06 AM
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