Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Eight Cousins

Remember that book by Louisa May Alcott? I read it immediately upon having just devoured Little Women, back when I was twelve. Wow! It’s been a cool forty years—time for a second read, don’t you think?

Anyway, Doug and I leave one week from today for our time in Ireland and Scotland. Have I mentioned I have seven girl cousins in Scotland? So if you throw me into the mix, we make our own grand version of Eight Cousins!

Then of course, we need to factor in their husbands, children, and grandchildren. I’m thinking the crowd approaches fifty, all told. They call their American-born cousins “the Yanks,” which always cracks me up.

I wish I could tell you right this minute what’s been going on with my genealogical research. I have quite randomly begun comparing notes with a McKenna I found on the Very Extremely World Wide Web, and—wonder of wonders—we may be related. And if we are, well…you may have to wait till the book comes out!

This McKenna is going to show us some of the family sites in County Monaghan, Ireland, and I’m going to share with him what I’ve already uncovered about the family tree. He and I are both excited to see how this unfolds going forward.

Now, I’m going to go put together seven photo albums of our last trip for my peeps, just because I can.


Posted by Katy on 04/18/06 at 07:03 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I wanna go with you. Can I be your distant cousin? Hey, my great grandma was Mary Emeline Malone. It's possible.

    Posted by Robin Lee Hatcher  on  04/18/06  at  07:51 AM
  2. Hey, Robin! I read your book "In His Arms," written--if I remember correctly--in honor of your Irish great-grand. That was my very first Robin Lee Hatcher book, as all things Irish end up at the top of the TBR pile!

    Let me just say this: It is more likely that you and I are cousins than the possibility of what my research is revealing being true. My family history would make SUCH a good novel, except for that I couldn't make this up!

    Please pack a bag and meet us at the airport in KC on the 25th. Wouldn't THAT be fun???
    Posted by Katy  on  04/18/06  at  07:59 AM
  3. please don't forget "Rose In Bloom" for dessert after devouring "Eight Cousins." Frankly, that's my fave LMA book, even above Little Women. I don't know why. #2 is "An Old Fashioned Girl"
    Posted by Liz  on  04/18/06  at  08:16 PM
  4. Oh, I am so excited for you! And for us - cause we'll get to hear all about it!
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  04/18/06  at  08:40 PM
  5. Katy, I'm trying SOOO hard not to be jealous! I *am* living vicariously through you, though. I want to hear all about your trip to Ireland and Scotland. Will you be able to blog while you're there?
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  04/19/06  at  09:29 AM
  6. I posted an excerpt from one of my personal favorite autobiographical books, Katy. It's over at my blog. Maybe you have read it? Are you currently writing your personal tale? I think you have a knack for it.
    Posted by Katy  on  04/19/06  at  06:09 PM
  7. Liz--Oh, yeah! I'm not sure which order I first read them in, but they were definitely one right after the other, like a four-course meal. I've still got my childhood copies to this day.

    Carrie K--You are so sweet! We cancelled a trip four years ago due to me landing in the hosp with "ischemic colitis" (which by the way, isn't fun). That was supposed to be a late 25th anniversary trip, so this will be an early 30th anniversary! And you will hear ALL about it....

    Cindy--I think Internet connections should happen with some regularity, so I'm going to give it my best shot! Doug will be sharing this computer, and he'll have to respond to work-related issues every day, but I should get a few minutes, huh? We will spend a number of days on the north coast of Ireland and then later on the Isle of Skye off Scotland. It's pretty darned rugged there, so I"m not sure about Internet.....or Starbucks! Ha. I am determined, Cindy, that if anyone has to live vicariously through me--even for a little while--that they enjoy the experience. That is my commitment! :)

    Katy Daniel--You are an odd fellow, you know that? I"m off to see what you've written at your blog, and whose identity you've assumed there. I still have your book, by the way!
    Posted by Katy  on  04/22/06  at  07:02 AM
  8. I am not quite sure why/how I wrote my name as Katy but it gave me a good chuckle.
    Posted by Daniel, Katy, Frodo; whatever  on  04/22/06  at  01:39 PM
  9. Is there a book, after 'Eight Cousins, about what happen before Rose when on the two year voyage that she just arrived form in 'Rose in bloom'?
    Please reply
    I just need to know
    Posted by Sam  on  11/20/08  at  02:25 AM
  10. went*
    Posted by Sam  on  11/20/08  at  02:26 AM
  11. Page 1 of 1 pages
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