Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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I've heard that Jane Pauley has battled depression and now I think I know why.

Doug's sitting here flipping channels and I look up from my iBook in time to see Jane look over at a young blonde woman and say, "OK. Let's talk about scarves."

Instantly, I know this segue can't bode well for the rest of the segment.

"OK. Scarves are kind of timeless," the blonde chick says, and by now I'm groaning. And then the clincher. "They make great gifts for moms."

Women shouldn't talk like this in front of God and everybody unless their names are Romy and Michelle.
Posted by Katy on 11/09/04 at 08:14 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. She actually suffers from medication-induced bipolar disorder (flipping back and forth between depression and [hypo?]mania), but... yeah. Treating scarves as a news item would drive any serious journalist batty.
    Posted by Steph  on  11/10/04  at  06:18 AM
  2. Steph--Thanks! Evidently, her bipolar was diagnosed after she had to be on steroids for a case of hives. Have you read her book? I wonder if, in a case where the person isn't on the offending medication (in her case, steroids) for very long, the bipolar disorder resolves without long-term treatment?

    I really only felt bad for her because of the whole scarf thing, but now I'm interested...
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  11/10/04  at  02:19 PM
  3. While the discussion of scarves is boring and a far cry from what most might consider "newsworthy;" I think one of the more troubling items is that she said they make great gifts for moms.

    Do they? My first reaction to that is that it's on par with getting a tie for dad.

    If you're pre-teen it's a great gift. If they need/want it, party on. But how "great" a gift is it otherwise?

    My father's got about 86 (my estimate) ties. I've seen them, but only in his closet. Of this collection I've seen him wear MAYBE 3 of them. At my age (working adult @ 24 [woo!]) getting him a tie would be a decent sign that I hadn't thought it out.

    Is this the case with scarves for moms?

    Also, on the scope of this scarves discussion... Was this one of those "boy it's lovely weather"-type things that news anchors do on the local scene when they're pretending to have been interested in the last story before they announce the next issue? (Nightmare run-on. Sorry) Or was the scarf thing an actual attempt at a story with substance?
    Posted by Adam  on  11/10/04  at  10:13 PM
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