Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Doug’s In His Office, All’s Right With The World

He’s better today. He’s in his home office and I’m in mine. We’re both working, and shooting love emails back and forth. Yeah. It’s like that.

Yesterday, though, I feared for him. Here’s why:

We sat in Starbucks for a few minutes, going over a section of my manuscript. It was during the middle of the work day, so he was likely expecting phone calls. He stopped talking to me long enough to pat his pants, over the pocket area.

“I thought my phone was vibrating,” he said, “but it’s not.”

I stared at him before asking, “So, it’s your LEG?”


Trust me. You’d be scared, too.

Posted by Katy on 12/01/06 at 09:47 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I would say there's got to be a logical explanation for that? but there's not. I've done that too, and it's kinda freaky
    Posted by Tess  on  12/01/06  at  10:51 AM
  2. Sweet! We do the home-office-love-emails thing, too.

    His leg is vibrating? Um . . .
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  12/01/06  at  10:51 AM
  3. Restless Leg Syndrome? It happens to a lot of folks, especially of Irish descent...think "Riverdance."

    Seriously, I'm glad to hear Doug is well...my whole body is shaking but that's probably due to the fact that some oddity folks call "Win-ter" has settled in on South Texas and it's a frigid 56 degrees :)

    Posted by Michael Main  on  12/01/06  at  04:46 PM
  4. Too much coffee makes my eyelid twitch. Maybe it was his legs way of saying try decaf. Congratulations for Carrie and Marc!
    Posted by galadriel  on  12/05/06  at  03:06 PM
  5. Okay, I know all is right with the world and you're writing away - isn't November over? However I'm wondering if you guys are buried in snow, without power, no hot coffee, or if Doug's leg is doing the possessed hokey pokey.

    Hoping all is well...send up a smoke signal...Although I know you don't smoke to speak of...

    Posted by Michael Main  on  12/05/06  at  03:09 PM
  6. Doug's vibrations seem to have abated, thank the Lord. He has largely sworn off caffeine, imbibing in one cup of half-caff first thing in the morning. It makes his heart race, which makes him nervous, and disturbs his nearly comatose equilibrium. I've never met a more...um...peaceful man. Have I ever mentioned that peace makes me VERY nervous? Analyze THAT. :)
    Posted by Katy  on  12/06/06  at  09:15 AM
  7. Wow. That is so funny. Not the leg tremors, but the story. I love the way you write.
    Posted by Tricia Goyer  on  12/06/06  at  05:55 PM
  8. Hi Katy, we haven't met, but I did a search on blogger under Christian writer & found yours! Very nice site, love your posts & pictures. By any chance are you a member of ACFW? I saw a couple of names mentioned that I know from there. Blessings, Miralee

    Posted by Miralee  on  12/07/06  at  08:56 PM
  9. Tricia--Your comment blessed me no end.

    Miralee--Yes!! I am a member of ACFW and I absolutely recognized your name when it popped up here! Welcome, and blessings to you, too.
    Posted by Katy  on  12/11/06  at  12:18 PM
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