Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Do You Remember Where You Were When…?

If you're as old as I am, you have no problem remembering where you were when you first heard of JFK's death, or Robert Kennedy's, or Martin Luther King's.

If you're younger, you probably still remember when you heard that Princess Diana had died, or Mother Teresa, or Erma Bombeck. I'll confess right here that I cried more over Erma than Diana or Teresa, but I know that's probably just me.

Here's my question: Do you remember the first moment you realized that you could read? Were you hooked on phonics before it cost money? Did you sound out two consonants and one vowel all by yourself in Sister Sheila Ann's first grade class and come up with the word "cat"? Or "Mom" or "Dad" or "God"?

Reading the name of "God" all by myself was a huge spiritual revelation to me, because it meant that I would not depend only on what others told me about Him, but also on what I read about Him on my own. Reading His name was the beginning of getting to know Him.

Do you remember exactly how it felt when you discovered you could read not only one isolated word on the page, but also the very next one and then the one after that? At St. Elizabeth's School, our primer featured David and Ann, whose five-word adventures I could not wait to read day after day. They became, in a very real sense, my new best friends.

Of all the mysteries--solved and unsolved--creation has to offer, I can't imagine one more rewarding than cracking the code of letters and words, sentences, paragraphs, and books.

Do you remember where you were when you first put word and word together? Can you still feel the thrill?
Posted by Katy on 07/28/05 at 01:26 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Oh yes, I can still feel the thrill . . . every time I pick up a brilliant novel or stumble upon a poetic masterpiece or read fallible.com . . . it all comes back to me. The written word thrills my heart.
    Posted by Amber  on  07/28/05  at  09:36 PM
  2. So cool that this is your topic! I, just this week, was telling a friend about how I can still remember the day I realized I could READ TO MYSELF! Didn't have to wait to read aloud in Mrs. Yont's reading circle. I had acquired the MAGIC that allowed me to secretly be reading all the words and signs and posters around me and NOBODY COULD TELL I WAS READING THEM! Woooowhoooo! That was some kinda power!
    Posted by Susan  on  07/29/05  at  04:30 AM
  3. Yes! I'm 46 and I'll never forget the thrill that surged through me when I read my first word. I was five, sitting on my mothers lap as we read together and it suddenly clicked! I put the sounds together and was instantly, forever hooked.
    Posted by Patti  on  07/29/05  at  06:36 AM
  4. Well, I don't remember it, but my mother sure does. She used to read to me every night, and apparantly I taught myself to read by following along with the words. She assumed I was just memorizing the story. (I was 4 -- I think she had to read "Pablo, the Penguin that Hated the Cold" about 5,000 times...) My first day of kindergarden though, she got a call from my teacher. Apparently, Mrs. May had been reading a book to the class, when I started reading it along with her. She then invited me to come sit with her and read the rest to the class myself. After I finished, she asked if I had that book at home, and I said no. I guess she was also assuming memorization, because she wouldn't believe me! The phone call to my Mom was to confirm that no, not only did we not own that book, but had never even heard of it! (this is one of my Mother's proudest stories of my childhood, so I may have heard it almost as many times as the story of Pablo!)
    Posted by bun-girl  on  07/29/05  at  03:21 PM
  5. I don't remember learning how to read, either. I do remember getting to kindergarten and being disappointed that there were no "chapter books" (I wasn't reading Dickens at age 5, but I was reading Henry and Mudge-esque books with brief chapters comprised of simple stories). I wish I could remember learning to read - I imagine it is an amazing sensation to stare at these strange marks and then suddenly realize they have meaning, and that you can decode it.
    Posted by Bethany  on  07/29/05  at  11:13 PM
  6. Today on my blog I posted the first 50 things in 100 Things About Me. One of them was "I enjoy reading aloud and being read to." This is a lost art, I believe. I learned to read using the backs and sides of cereal boxes: ri-bo-fla-vin, ni-a-cin...I also remember standing next to my mother in church with the hymnal and not knowing all the words, but watching very closely while listening to her. I'd say to myself, "oh, that's what that word is" and from then on, knowing it. Praise God for hymns! (I love them anyway, of course.)
    Posted by Paula  on  07/31/05  at  03:05 AM
  7. Amber--You know what's fun? No matter how old you get, reading is just as thrilling as you find it now (as a VERY young chick...)!

    Susan--Great minds, huh? :) I remember when I realized that not everyone reads every poster, cereal box, etc, even if they can. I LOVE the magic of reading everything in sight, the secret love affair of it all....

    Patti--That is so sweet. I'm sure my mother must have read to me, but I don't remember it at all. That's a precious memory to have of you and your mom and the "magic."

    bun-girl--What a fabulous story!! Wow, you're a reading prodigy! I'm not--I didn't learn to read until age 6, but it stuck!

    Bethany--Chapter books? At age 5? That is so cool. Yeah, school can be might disappointing when you're already craving what they can't deliver... I want to see you again!

    Paula--My husband and I read aloud to each other. Not regularly, but we enjoy it when we do. I didn't learn to read with hymns, but I sure have nice memories of sharing a hymnbook with my father, and his lovely harmonies.
    Posted by Katy  on  08/02/05  at  04:07 PM
  8. I don't remember learning. Not even close. I realize I must have picked it up myself somewhere between three and five, since I remember being confounded by the skipping pattern of lyric lines in the hymnal at the church my dad then pastored, and reading the two-thirds-intact tale of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer one sticky summer in the green room. Words seem to have always been there, and always to have been comforting. The cereal box, billboards, fine print, dictionaries... ah, I love the dictionary. Even rolling words through my head like round stones calms me down. Chosen, mellifluous, dilapidated, rabble, woven thing and fine, elongated, elegant. Set to rights and set two Wrights.... I am an amateur wordsmith, but I love these small gems so.
    Posted by Libby  on  08/03/05  at  06:36 PM
  9. Well, I can't remember my first words but my father said it was "dada". Guess I was about 1 yr and 2 months old. Pretty early huh.
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