Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Do Depression Meds Work For This?

Can you count how many times in the past two months you have heard or read the phrase “since the Great Depression”?

As in, of course, “the worse economy since the Great Depression,” “the highest rate of foreclosures since the Great Depression,” and “the fastest rate of rising unemployment since the Great Depression.”

Here’s the deal: In every recession in my memory—-and I’m old enough to remember quite a few—-the words “Great Depression” have not been spoken. It’s as if to even compare any harsh realities we’ve gone through with the dreadful circumstances Americans faced during those bleak times is so ridiculous an exaggeration that it’s not permitted.

There’s also always been a sense in which Americans have been led to believe that another Great Depression could not possibly happen, since our great nation now has policies in place (What are those policies again? We might want to pull those puppies out and USE THEM! Ha.) which preclude and prevent the obvious stupidity that allowed such a disaster to begin with.

Now, though, otherwise respected journalists are tossing around “since the Great Depression” with such abandon that it seems to me they might being fed this newly-acceptable language like a slow-dripping IV, the kind that causes the patient’s pain to be evenly numbed without killing her from an overdose outright.

And we, the listeners and readers, are growing ever more inured to the phrase ourselves. So much so, that I’ve got to say I won’t be one bit surprised when we are finally told that oooops, another Great Depression actually IS possible! I won’t be one bit surprised when they finally tell us that we’ve been in the Greater Depression for quite some time already.

Recession, my eye.

Posted by Katy on 11/12/08 at 05:55 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I suspect that you are correct, Katy. You haven't been talking to my dad, have you, LOL~he reminds me of this possibility (depression) almost every day!

    I would love to make myself believe that things are 'on their way up'--but no use deceiving myself.
    Posted by Mary  on  11/14/08  at  01:03 AM
  2. I agree with your comments. My mother went thru the great depression & from her comments on it, we are really much better off. Sick of all the companies crying bankruptcy because of their money grabbing procedures. Ahhhhh, that makes me feel better
    Posted by Fran  on  11/25/08  at  11:15 AM
  3. Another depression is here and it is scary. I think it will get worse as the year goes on. I hope obama can get this turned around.

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    Posted by jim  on  02/04/09  at  06:09 AM
  4. i think medicine works for depression. I use it and it works well. I would recommend it to anybody.

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    Posted by jim  on  02/06/09  at  09:03 PM
  5. only Meds can help relief a bit
    Posted by Anonimo  on  03/21/09  at  09:29 AM
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