Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Maybe my senses are just heightened, I don't know. That happens when I go places I've never been before. Colors attempt to outshine one another to win my approval, tastes fight each other for distinction, and breezes play upon my hair with more abandon than they do in my own town.

Still, I'm not sure that completely explains the cookie and the french fries.

The fries came with the Greek platter Doug and I shared at the Union Station in DC last night. We wouldn't have been at the station if it hadn't been for the fact that we'd walked many miles already and I couldn't make it back to the hotel without catching a cab and the cabs were all on strike until midnight and the only hope of getting one would be to stand in a one-hour long line of travelers who all had the same crummy need at the very same time.

To postpone the agony of de feet in the long line, we ate dinner. And I ate a grand total of two of the best french fries I'd ever laid lips on. Sprinkled with paprika and fried to the most sublime golden shimmer on the outside, and soft and white and almost the consistency of mashed on the inside.

I started to wonder if those french fries weren't a kind of microcosm of DC itself. Wild divergences of opinion, belief, standard of living, politics, and cultures, all bent on somehow--somehow!--working together to make the dish of life as delicious as humanly possible.

I'd almost recovered from the effort it took to resist the entire plateful of fries, when today's lunch arrived. Darned if the giant chocolate chip cookie Doug got wasn't just as tempting, inside and out, as those french fries. The same gold-crisped outside, the same pale and gooey delectability inside.

Artistically scrumptious, this study in contrasts.

I don't even eat sugar, but some things you just know.
Posted by Katy on 11/18/04 at 12:32 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Mmm....chocolate chip french fries...
    Posted by bethany  on  11/20/04  at  05:55 PM
  2. Bethany--OK. What are those things that are shaped like Pringles but they're covered in chocolate? Have you tried those? I won't be having any, but I KNOW that they would be the best things in the world. Some things you just know....
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  11/23/04  at  08:59 PM
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