Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Day Seven And Yes, I’m Still Counting…..

OK, about Lent. They tell you that it’s a 40-day-long season, right? What they don’t tell you—at least, I never knew this until after I committed to giving up both the Internet AND American Idol this year—is that the Sundays between Ash Wednesday and Easter are not included as fast days. So, if you do the math, there are actually 46 days in the entire season, making it roughly SIX DAYS HARDER to remain observant than it otherwise would have been.

Honestly. Here it is, Day Seven Of Lent, and it’s like I’ve just now begun the 40 days!!! Did any of you know this about the church calendar? ‘Cause I feel like I’ve been misled by priests and pastors and penitents galore here!

Anyway, if you’re wondering how I’m surviving, here’s the short answer: Fantastically well. Although I miss all of you very much, I’m learning a lot about myself and my addictions, getting some serious editing on my novel accomplished, and reconnecting with friends and relatives in the physical world. As opposed to the cyber world. You know what I mean.  :)

In case you, too, were on track to feeling that Lent was getting awfully old and dragging on oh-so-slowly, now you know why. It’s MUCH longer than officially advertised, people. But you know what? Maybe that’s a good thing.

Posted by Katy on 02/27/07 at 04:31 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Being raised Protestant, I was almost completely unaware of Lent most of my life. In the last several years I've learned just a little about it. Please let me know if I'm way off base, but the way I understand the Sundays in Lent is that since every Sunday is a celebration of the resurrection it would be inappropriate to fast in penitence and remembrance of the crucifixion on those days. Personally, I feel that it's harder to deal with the Sunday break than just to fast on through it. Every Monday feels like starting over. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong.
    Posted by Anne  on  02/27/07  at  10:48 PM
  2. Really? Sundays are not included? I had NO IDEA!!

    I'm glad to hear that you're doing "fantastically well", Katy. It's always lovely connecting with people in the 'real world', especially when, you know, they come with real hugs ;) Plus, it's great to hear that you're making great strides with your novel... I'm looking forward to reading it someday soon!
    Posted by Sunflower  on  02/28/07  at  09:53 AM
  3. Glad to hear from you. Been thinking about you.
    Posted by Suzan  on  02/28/07  at  01:16 PM
  4. I, a protestant, was taught that we should not fast from whatever I gave up on the Sundays during Lent, because Sundays are still the days when we gather to celebrate the risen Lord. Pretty much what Anne said above. It was explained that we should see each Sunday as a mini-celebration, and that Lent alternates between fasting and mini-celebrations as we build up to the great celebration of the resurrection at Easter.

    I have found that giving up something for Lent and celebrating in that way does help me prepare my heart for Easter, instead of Easter just being one day or one weekend.

    Anyway, just wanted to chime in that, yes, this protestant did know that! :)
    Posted by Kari  on  03/01/07  at  09:43 AM
  5. Hey pretty lady. What great parties you throw! Did you get my email yesterday? Hopefully we'll be seeing you soon?
    Posted by galadriel  on  03/02/07  at  09:42 AM
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