Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Day 31

Today is Day 31 Without Fourbucks.

Which is actually Eightbucks around here. Because we each got a four dollar drink nearly every day. Doug didn’t go every single day, but when he did, he often added a piece of cake, bringing the total right back up to Eightbucks, on average.

$248 not spent on Starbucks. Isn’t that crazy, that we were letting hot lattes burn a hole in our pockets like that?

I’m embarassed to see it written out like this, but sometimes confessing in blog and white really is the only way to get a grip.

Posted by Katy on 07/15/06 at 12:36 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I wish I hadn't read this post. Conviction reached out and bit me on the nose. Ouch. Although I usually get the Twobucks, not the four, at B&N Cafe, just the other day I remarked to the cashier as I was swiping my membership card <i>I'm sure glad they don't send account statements saying "You saved $550 in our store this quarter."</i>
    You have inspired me to go cold turkey....first thing Monday morning.
    Posted by Donna  on  07/15/06  at  01:48 PM
  2. Great job on your $248 saved. I'd make a toast, but I can't do it hiding my large IC mocha behind my back.
    Posted by jen alves  on  07/16/06  at  11:03 AM
  3. Donna--I love your (most likely) caffeine-induced wry humor! That Monday plan is the safest of all, huh? ;)

    Jen--You never fail to make me giggle! Aw, heck. Go ahead and raise your mocha for the toast. Promise you'll feel pity for me here with my crummy Crystal Light.....
    Posted by Katy  on  07/16/06  at  11:41 AM
  4. Oh, my! I don't want to know what I spend in mochas. No I don't! No I don't! But now all I will do is think about it. *sigh*
    Posted by Tim  on  07/16/06  at  06:01 PM
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