Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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So I’ve wheeled Mom into her dining room for lunch, and I’m about to say good-bye for the day. I bend down to hug her, and she leans her head against my chest.

“Who loves ya, babe?” I say. She nods her head but doesn’t answer, so I fill in the blanks. “Katy loves ya, right?”

She smiles and nods again. I turn to leave, and then I hear her voice calling after me.

“Love you, Diane!”

I turn around. “Diane? Who’s Diane?”

“Well,” she says, “I call your sister Mary by the name of Donna, so I thought I’d call you Diane.”

“Does this have something to do with the Lennon Sisters?” I ask. “Because when I was heavier, you used to say I looked like Peggy Lennon…”

“And you did,” she says.

“So now that I’m thinner, you think I look like the skinny Lennon Sister, Diane?”

She rolls her eyes. “This has nothing to do with the Lennon Sisters.”

“Well if Mary is Donna and I’m Diane, does that mean Liz is now Dierdre and Bridget is Demi?”

She looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “Of course not, silly.”

I laugh and head for the lobby. “OK, Mom. I’ll see you later.”

“Whatever you say, Diane.”

Posted by Katy on 10/14/05 at 01:41 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Your mom is a strange, wonderful, entertaining woman. I think it'd be cool to meet her.
    Posted by Lynn  on  10/14/05  at  11:23 PM
  2. If you haven't figured this one out yet, it does make sense, Katy. It has to do with some other people back at VV. Mom calls me some other name, too, but I can't remember now what it is. Your response always needs to be "Love you more!"
    Posted by Bridget  on  10/15/05  at  04:13 PM
  3. I know about the "Love you more" response, but I didn't know that we were to go by assumed names! So are Donna and Diane real people? I thought that when Mom and Mary play this game, they use their real names. Not so???

    Where have I been all my life?
    Posted by Katy  on  10/15/05  at  04:18 PM
  4. Lynn--She can be a very fun girl. She has friends going all the way back to Kindergarten, so she must be entertaining or they wouldn't have hung on for 70 years!
    Posted by Katy  on  10/15/05  at  04:19 PM
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