Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Cutting In On The Comment Dance

Don't despair! All is not lost! Who knew fallible has a comment limit of 50?

Okay, since you good people have responded so graciously to my daughter's need for cashola, here's one more chance to send her your well wishes on her graduation.

Also, all prayers for her trip to Haiti are very much appreciated! As you might imagine, this particular trip makes her mother a bit nervous.

Have fun commenting, everyone!!
Posted by Katy on 05/14/05 at 08:15 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Fun? Oh, yes...we'll have some fun...you bet...just you wait and see. What else do we have to do on a Saturday night but make some money for Carrie?!
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:20 AM
  2. There's some Money by: Pink Floyd
    Carrie would like that.
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:20 AM
  3. But of course, it's just "another Saturday night, and I ain't got no money" (Cat Stevens) But the bloggers out there will get some moolah for Carrie on THIS Saturday night! :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:22 AM
  4. If Dirt Were Dollars (Don Henley), then Carrie wouldn't have to depend on us. But since it's not, COMMENT!!!!
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:23 AM
  5. Carrie will be sure to be singing along with Baillie to 42nd Street's "We're Into Money" by the time this commenting idea is done!
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:31 AM
  6. Way to go Bridget

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  02:31 AM
  7. Okay, people! Don't let Blogin' Idiot and Blogin' Bridget have ALL the fun!

    I may have to cut this off when this comment section is full, so get your comments in while you can!

    By the way, Carrie has had a tremendous amount of fun with this, and I'm sure she'll be on here responding again soon...
    Posted by Katy  on  05/15/05  at  02:32 AM
  8. But I doubt she'll be a "Big Spender" in Haiti. Things there aren't too expensive.
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:32 AM
  9. Thanks, Michael! Between the two of us, Carrie is going to at least have $100 bucks to spend! :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:33 AM
  10. Dear Carrie, I don't have a blog and have never responded on a blog before, but I read Bloggin Idiot's blog regularly! He said to check out this site and I am glad I did. When I was 20 I went to a missionary college and then was a missionary in Mexico. It was one of the most profound experiences in my life. I received so much more than I gave, and was humbled by the experience.
    Michael, You gave me many smiles!
    Posted by Lori  on  05/15/05  at  02:34 AM
  11. Lori,
    Thanks for helping out my niece! :) It's a fun Saturday night making money for Carrie!
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:36 AM
  12. Katy, I kind of like being compared to Michael and being called "Bloggin' Bridget!" Quite an alliterative term! For that, Carrie should get an extra few bucks!
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:39 AM
  13. Bridget
    We also get the satisfaction of getting Katy to post too!

    We can always sing.

    99 bottles of aspirin!

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  02:42 AM
  14. Hey, Lori! Any reader of Blogin Idiot is welcome here! Thanks for your kind comment...
    Posted by Katy  on  05/15/05  at  02:44 AM
  15. Bridget
    We also get the satisfaction of getting Katy to post too!

    We can always sing.

    99 bottles of aspirin!

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  02:45 AM
  16. 99 bottles of aspirin...if one of those bottles should happen to fall...
    Hey, Katy, are you listening to our wonderful harmony?!? Carrie..That graduation song is in honor of you and NO MORE TESTS!!! :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:46 AM
  17. Katy

    It's Saturday night.

    Do you know where your Blogin Idiot is?

    Comment spamming Ma'am.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  02:50 AM
  18. Hey, Katy? It's Saturday night. Do you know where your little sister is? Also comment spamming. Hee, hee. Tag, you're it, Michael.
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:52 AM
  19. Katy

    Lori is a sweetie.
    Now I am really jealous.
    ...not only of your writing but you get Lori to post a comment!

    Weren't we singing a song?
    98 bottles of aspirin.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  02:52 AM
  20. Taking a quick tour at Bridget's blog.
    I'm a blogaholic.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  02:53 AM
  21. Came here by way of Michael. Good luck with the fund raising. Cha-ching!
    Posted by Stephanie  on  05/15/05  at  02:53 AM
  22. 98 bottles of aspirin...if one of those bottles should happen to fall...
    Carrie will get a dollar!
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:54 AM
  23. Dylan says..."Dollar for Carrie!!"
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  02:57 AM
  24. So, Katy, will you have a fundraising event like this for me? My latest doctor's office is located in a hospital, so I found out two weeks ago that each time I go there, I have to pay his copay PLUS the copay of the hospital, which is $250. What a scam.

    97 bottles of painkillers (my headache has worstened!) on the wall, 97 bottles of painkillers....
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  03:01 AM
  25. Blogback is slow.

    I can't see recent comments until I make a comment.
    No I have gone and lost my place in the song.
    Do i have to start over again?

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:02 AM
  26. Carrie, where are you??? I'm missing you at your online pledge-drive event. :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  03:02 AM
  27. Stephanie!

    Waving hello - she's cool too!

    96 bottles of apirin.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:07 AM
  28. From Baillie...who wants to join in the singing..."Row, row, row, your boat, gently down the stream."
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  03:09 AM
  29. Stephanie!

    Waving hello - she's cool too!

    96 bottles of apirin.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:09 AM
  30. Baillie continues...and then later, after some aspirin, "merrily, merrily, merrily..."
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  03:10 AM
  31. "Life is but a dream. By the way, I haven't told you my dream theory..." Baillie says.
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  03:11 AM
  32. Hey

    I just discovered a great feature.
    You can repeat your typos faster. Resend postdata and you can duplicate your comment without even typing.

    Now that is slamming spamming.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:11 AM
  33. If one of those bottles should happen to fall, 95 bottles of aspirin on the wall.
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  03:13 AM
  34. Hey

    I just discovered a great feature.
    You can repeat your typos faster. Resend postdata and you can duplicate your comment without even typing.

    Now that is slamming spamming.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:13 AM
  35. If one of those bottles should happen to fall, 94 bottles of aspirin on the wall.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:15 AM
  36. So, Katy, just exactly how much money do you and Doug have???
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  03:15 AM
  37. If one of those bottles should happen to fall, 94 bottles of aspirin on the wall.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:16 AM
  38. Stephanie--Hey, glad you arrived here and squeezed in your comment! Come back soon...

    BTW, Carrie is currently driving back to Columbia after her very fun grad party here. Mama is exhausted but we did have us a good time!
    Posted by Katy  on  05/15/05  at  03:16 AM
  39. Dear Katy, You're welcome! Yes, Michael is special.
    Dear Michael, I admire you in so many ways. My heart is welling up with Joy as I watch your shenanigans(smile).
    Posted by Lori  on  05/15/05  at  03:17 AM
  40. ...see Bridget, Katy is a sly one.
    She pretends to not know the 50 comment limit and all of a sudden she can limit our comments to increments of 50.
    Da rules didn't say she had to add posts.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:18 AM
  41. Lori

    You're back.


    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:19 AM
  42. Sounds like Katy needs one of those bottles of aspirin on the wall after the grad party...so, now we have 93 bottles of aspirin on the wall, 93 bottles of aspirin...
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  03:20 AM
  43. Yes, Michael, and she will go to bed soon, and will not write another blog to allow us to make more money for Carrie. Very sly, indeed, my sister.
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  03:21 AM
  44. Dear Michael, Just checking in! You are tireless!
    Posted by Lori  on  05/15/05  at  03:25 AM
  45. She'll watch and see it hit 50 first and then go to bed and pretend she didn't know.

    Right Katy?

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:27 AM
  46. She'll watch and see it hit 50 first and then go to bed and pretend she didn't know.

    Right Katy?

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:30 AM
  47. Yep...and we're nearing 50 about now. Wonder what Katy is going to do...........
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  03:31 AM
  48. Katy?

    Are you asleep?

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:32 AM
  49. Or are you simply ignoring Carrie's adoring fans???
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/15/05  at  03:33 AM
  50. Katy?

    Are you asleep?

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  03:34 AM
  51. Page 1 of 1 pages
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