Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Cradle Attraction

Who knows how these things happen.

One day, you’re a sexy young chick with handsome suitors whose attentions you don’t appreciate at all, because you don’t have the good sense God gave asparagus.

The next day, you’re a soccer mom, too busy to even notice that men besides your beautiful husband might still be looking. And even if they are, you don’t care. It would take more energy than you can spare to have an affair, and besides, you’re just not that kind of girl.

And then the next day—and believe me when I say that it seems like the VERY NEXT DAY—geezers are vying for your company.

Maybe you don’t know what I’m talkin’ about. But trust me: you will.

I arrived at Starbucks today with an entire fifteen minutes to spend alone, just me and a good book. There were lots of empty tables, so I didn’t feel a bit guilty about plopping down in a brown velvet chair, next to an empty chair and an empty couch. I figured if some people came in who needed the space, I’d happily move to a little table.

But like I said, the place was loaded with open space.

I hadn’t taken a sip and read two sentences before a bona fide geezer—albeit a nice looking and well-groomed one—stashed his hardback novel in the cushion of the couch and went to get his coffee. I felt a bit embarrassed because in the adjoining room, I could see my pastor and all the associate pastors having their Monday morning Starbucks meeting. I sure wouldn’t want them to think that I had a geezer on the side.

I didn’t start up a conversation with the old fellow, because well, I’m shy. He seemed content enough to bury his nose in his novel, and I breathed a short sigh of relief. Until, that is, the next geezer entered the store.

You guessed it. He got his coffee and made a beeline for the upholstered chair right next to mine. I had placed my drink and my keys on the table between our chairs, and he added not only his latte but his keys, too. Just so I’d get the message right off the bat that we have a lot in common, I’m thinking. And perhaps to give notice to the other geezer that he’d marked his boomer chick territory. Yeah, that’s probably it.

Once again, I kept reading my book about learning to live a generous life, but I gotta tell you, I was feeling pretty stingy about entertaining these guys with my sparkling personality right about then. And I’m sure I saw Pastor Nathan point and then Pastor Tom look over his shoulder at the small crowd their erstwhile parishoner had gathered unto herself.

I stayed in my chair only long enough not to hurt the feelings of either Geezer Number One or Geezer Number Two, because I’m sensitive that way. And then I made my escape without a single word.

Anyway, I thought you’d like to know that even though you think of me as eternally young, apparently it’s official: Katy Raymond is a Geezer Magnet.

I have a feeling there’s no going back.

Posted by Katy on 03/06/06 at 04:02 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Yowza, Katy. You're a regular geezer-magnet. To make you feel young: What a hottie!
    Posted by Heather  on  03/06/06  at  09:08 PM
  2. It would be fun to read what those guys are writing on their blogs! ;)
    Posted by violet  on  03/07/06  at  09:51 PM
  3. Oh, Katy, you don't have to worry about those geezers! Thirty minutes into a conversation with you, and they're callin' their younger friends! No way they can keep up with you!
    Posted by Ame  on  03/07/06  at  11:45 PM
  4. Katy,
    My Aunt used to say, "I'm not interested in those old guys at the Senior Center. . . none of them have butts! Next time check out the geezers and you will see what she means. They are as flat as boards in the back and I suspect lik the rest of us, you enjoy a good-looking toush (sp?) In all fairness, you may have been seated in an area that they defined for months as their territory.
    Posted by Maria  on  03/08/06  at  09:15 AM
  5. Katy, your descriptions are hilarious. Do you write late at night?
    Posted by Macromoments  on  03/08/06  at  05:19 PM
  6. Heather--THANK YOU! You have no idea how much you have blessed me. :)

    Violet--Tee, hee! My first Starbucks geezer was Dennis, an elegant man in his sixties. He had a crush on me until he asked if I was done reading the NYT and I said yes and handed it to him--but not folded in its original way. I saw the look of dismay and disillusionment cross his face, and I knew it was over.... ;)

    Ame--I don't know, girl. There are a couple of darned cute geezers that arrive together ever day. Sometimes they sit alone and chat, but other days they attract younger women who sit right down with them to imbibe. Blondes. Professional looking chicks. I'm still trying to crack the Starbucks geezer code and I won't give up until I get it!

    Maria--Your aunt sounds just like my mother!!! I knew my mother was inches from death's door last week when on one day she refused to eat a bite of food AND did not notice men's rear ends. It was a sad day in our family's history, I tell you. But now she's back to "noticing" and well, that makes me very happy!

    Macro Bonnie--I'm a pretty crummy night person. If I don't get it written during daylight hours, it's not likely to happen. But maybe I just haven't given the wee hours a fair shake. I think I'll try that!
    Posted by Katy  on  03/09/06  at  10:01 AM
  7. maria..unfortunately, our entire family has been going around butt-less for years. the bright side is it won't be a shock when we get to geezer status, i guess.
    katy, in the end, better a magnet than a repellant, i say!
    Posted by lisa  on  03/09/06  at  10:12 AM
  8. Lisa--Buttless in Topeka, huh? I can't say that I noticed your buttlessness when we met at Scott and Brooke's wedding, but I sure did notice your tinyness. You're the littlest mama I've ever seen. :)
    Posted by Katy  on  03/09/06  at  10:19 AM
  9. yeah, i get that a lot. just no short jokes, please..my 6'2" hubby keeps me amply supplied.
    Posted by lisa  on  03/09/06  at  01:38 PM
  10. This sentence made me laugh aloud: "I didn’t start up a conversation with the old fellow, because well, I’m shy."
    Posted by Bethany  on  03/10/06  at  12:46 AM
  11. Bethany--What?? The only reason I'm not shy with you is that I know you so well! ;)
    Posted by Katy  on  03/10/06  at  10:57 PM
  12. oh, ugh. it's like you've verbalized my thoughts. remember when the young guys looked our way? now it's their dads (or, maybe, their granddads :-0)

    only we've never changed at all...
    Posted by julie  on  03/11/06  at  01:08 AM
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