Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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I place a low premium on being cool.

I can honestly say I haven’t invested much time, money, or effort attempting to be cool in my entire 53 years of living. Maybe the freckles or the unsophisticated turned-up nose or the fact that I’m vertically-challenged squashed any latent hopes of coolness early on, I don’t know.

I will say this: in spite of my personal lack of coolness, I very much appreciate and admire coolness in other people. Especially—in fact, only—if it seems to have occurred spontaneously, without the cool person trying at all. If it’s an affected coolness, it’s just plain stuck up. And that’s NOT cool.

This is why I love Bono. The man exemplifies cool for me. I ran across this Bono quote today, and it made me love him even more.

“Coolness might help in your negotiation with people through the world, maybe, but it is impossible to meet God with sunglasses on.”

Posted by Katy on 10/20/06 at 08:51 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. That is COOL.

    Take care
    Posted by Michael #2  on  10/20/06  at  11:02 AM
  2. Thats' a good one. I'm borrowing it.
    Posted by Suzan  on  10/20/06  at  11:27 AM
  3. Katy, you are the coolest without every trying to be cool!

    (I put Bono's quote in my blog post today, along with a cute photo of a maltese dog wearing pink sunglasses! check it out: suzanrobertson.blogspot.com)
    Posted by Suzan  on  10/20/06  at  03:41 PM
  4. That <i>is</i> cool! So is the coffee series running down your left sidebar. It's nice to see a picture!
    Posted by violet  on  10/20/06  at  04:55 PM
  5. In France they say,

    C'est overtop cool.


    That's overtop cool.

    So you're overtop cool. Over. the. top. cool. is. you.
    Posted by relevantgirl  on  10/21/06  at  12:40 PM
  6. though my experience with you has been by reading this ubercool blog, one must surmise that you can't have a cool blog such as this one with out an equally cool person behind the computer keyboard... ergo... you must be cool!
    Posted by Joshua  on  10/23/06  at  11:24 AM
  7. No, really, people. Trust me on this! BONO is cool. But I am in love with all of you fallible folks.

    Take Care Michael--You should know!

    Suzan--Cute dog!!! Loved your post.

    Violet--Girl! Don't you think we look alike???

    RelevantMary--Whoa. You've been like, doing total immersion in French! ;)

    Joshua--I ADORE people who use the word ergo. Consider yourself adored.
    Posted by Katy  on  10/25/06  at  07:42 PM
  8. Hi Katy, It's nice to know that another 50+ woman loves Bono. You probably like him because he too is short. Anyway, now that my daughter's met you, she thinks your cool, but she thinks the same thing about me, so ...
    Posted by alison  on  10/26/06  at  01:03 PM
  9. Me and my dog meet 4 other dog walkers, with 7 dogs every morning. There is no one else around at that time in the morning so all 8 dogs run round the park together. In the evening my dog meets a few other dogs but I tend to keep him on the lead, there are too many distractions around to let him off the lead at that time.
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  10. Hi Katy nice to meet you. It's a great feeling when i read your story. Thanks for sharing.
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    Posted by ways to earn online  on  11/04/11  at  06:43 PM
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