Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Come Saturday Morning

You may not know how empty nesting couples talk to each other. I exist to provide the important service of giving you an insider’s peek into this It-Could-SO-Happen-To-You phenomenon.

We’re sitting here inside Caribou Coffee, commenting on our respective outfits.

“I thought you said those pants were navy blue?” I asked.

“They are.”

“Look at them in this light, next to the navy stripe in your shirt. You bragged when we left the house that your clothes matched!”

“They DO match. The shirt has both light blue and dark blue, and the pants are also dark blue.”

“But the two blues in the shirt are VERY far apart, so that no one has to wonder whether you tried to match those stripes and failed.”


“You know EXACTLY what I’m talking about! The blues in the shirt aren’t close in hue, and the dark stripe in the shirt and the color of your pants are way TOO close.”

“Yeah. They MATCH.”

“Doug, your pants are black.”

“You canNOT tell ME that these pants are not navy blue!”

I’m staring at his pitch black t-shirt poking out the top of his two-toned blue shirt, but I hold my peace. Really, I am a model of self-control.

“And another thing,” he says. “You’re dressed all in black, but your shoes, shirt, and pants are three DIFFERENT blacks.”

“And you would know that HOW?” I ask.

He moves one of his errantly clad knees closer to one of mine. “See? My pants are navy blue.” He says it with an accent like Martin Short’s Frank in Father of the Bride, only much less endearing.

“Oh, yeah? Well, those socks you’re wearing? I know you bought fifteen identical pairs so you could always find a mate, but I’m here to tell you they are brown. What about when you’re wearing black? Do you wear those socks to business meetings?”

It took me thirty years to notice his wardrobe choices, but baby, now I’m on red alert.

“These socks go with everything.” He reached down to pat them with something like romantic affection.

“Except navy blue pants,” I said.

“For the last time, they’re NOT blue!”

Finally, he sees things my way. All is still not lost.

Posted by Katy on 10/13/07 at 03:48 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Back in the day, my kids used to make me pay them $1 for every blog comment on a post they found even SLIGHTLY embarassing. Doug suggested the same thing this morning. So, comment away, if you'd like to see his black pants weighed down with dollar bills! (I'd pay him in quarters, but I don't want to re-injure his back...)
    Posted by Katy  on  10/13/07  at  05:44 PM
  2. You guys are sticking to decaf right? :)

    Posted by Michael Main  on  10/14/07  at  03:22 AM
  3. Oh yeah. Been there! Many times!
    Posted by Suzan  on  10/14/07  at  05:57 PM
  4. MM--Let's just say we're in our experimental phase. The last time he had a fully-caffed cuppa was in 2003. I had to take him to the ER for his racing heart. No kidding. A cup of caf is too expensive, when it comes to Dougie Raymond. This empty nest DOES take some adjusting to, though..... :)

    Suzan--Last night, the house had gotten hot and I turned on the attic fan, opening only one bedroom window. When Doug came to bed, he said, "It got really cold in here, so I closed the window." I was SOUND asleep, but plenty alert to say, "Ahem. Did you turn OFF the attic fan?" Umm, no. He got up and turned it off. Then he said, "I flipped the furnace on, set at a low temp, in case it gets too cold tonight..." I thought that sounded like a plan until I awakened this morning, and went into his home office, where the COLD air was blowing in through an OPEN window!!! Sheesh.
    Posted by Katy  on  10/15/07  at  12:43 PM
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    Posted by Xpym Xpym  on  10/26/07  at  12:10 AM
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