Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Click, Click

My techie husband changed my life today.

Until now--and I'm embarassed to admit this to lifelong computer users like you--if I wanted to cut and paste within a document, I'd print out the entire 235 pages, cut it up with scissors, and tape it together in its new, improved order. Only then would I feel secure enough to reassemble the doc on the computer.

Oh, I'd done a little minor copying and pasting. A sentence moved into the previous paragraph, perhaps, or an accidentally Germanic word order repaired to standard English.

Never cut and paste, mind you. Cutting scared the socks off me. And never even copy and paste, if the section to be moved had to be out of my sight after copying for even the second it took to scroll to the spot in which I wished to paste it.

My years at the computer have been long, cruel, and without short-cuts.

Today, though, I have mastered Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, plus an additional command that involves using the Alt key before one of the four arrows.

Just when I had learned the exact series of short-cuts necessary to organize my novel scenes into a program which will help me bring 90,000 words into submission, Doug showed up at my right hand.

"That new program you're using? I just found a way to save you two more clicks."

It took me fifty years to save the clicks he's saved me today, and I've only managed it by the skin of my teeth. I am grateful beyond words for his kind tutelage, but I can't possibly incorporate one more short-cut into my repertoire without losing the ones that have only so recently taken up residence there.

"You know how much that don't impress me?"

It's the fear talking, really it is.

"How much?" he asks.

"I could be Shania."

So what if I'm two clicks short of mastering a new technique? Just think how far I've come.
Posted by Katy on 12/06/03 at 04:44 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy, you somehow remind me of my mom! (Except that she recently asked me what a web page is and what it's for... I shudder to even think of a way to explain "blog"!!!) Back when we actually had a working computer, if she ever wanted to print anything, one of us had to leave a long list of written instructions for her... and the one time she tried to use the computer on her own, she couldn't find the "on" button on the CPU! Thank God you are waaaaay more computer-savvy than that ;)
    Posted by irene  on  12/08/03  at  07:41 AM
  2. Irene, Just barely more savvy than your mum, I'm afraid! I'm great with the Internet, and I can print. But the whole command thing is beyond me. None of the icons make any sense to me, either. None of it is intuitive. And yes, I used to have someone write down all the steps...it's embarassing, but we older folks just keep hacking away at it.
    Posted by Katy  on  12/08/03  at  10:09 PM
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