Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Christmas Cop-Outs

So yesterday I went to see Mom and noticed that someone had given her a small poinsettia. She refuses all Christmas decorations except the two Scottish Santas, which she displays year round, but I thought maybe she’d like the idea of a plant.

“Who gave you the poinsettia?” I asked.

“The banker that keeps a few hours in here on Tuesdays, where I have my little savings account.”

“Well, that was nice of her. I’ll just take the cellophane off so you can see it…”



“I don’t want to see it.”

Okay, then.

Today, as if he inherited my mother’s genes but with a more pleasant attitude, Doug’s Christmas cop-out tendencies kicked in. I was eager to decorate, so he dragged the fake tree up from the basement and set it in the corner of the living room, plugging it in as if THAT would solve the problem of the ages.

“Doug,” I called in to his office a few minutes later, “what exactly is meant by the term ‘pre-lit?’ All I know is there’s a clump of lights working on the top left, and another clump on the lower right. What are you planning to do about that?”

“Nothing.” Boy, did he remind me of my mother. Even though a thick wall separated us, I could see him barracading his chest with his arms. “I thought maybe we’d call it ‘artistic’ and just go with it.”

Can Christmas cop-out tendencies cross bloodlines? If so, I have reason to be afraid—very afraid.

Posted by Katy on 12/14/07 at 02:36 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Guess maybe I should keep the poinsetta that I got to give to Mom, huh? She loved the one I got last year, but I suppose that was a one-time deal.
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/16/07  at  08:12 AM
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