Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Chip Off The Old Mom!

Here's the email I received from my daughter Carrie this morning. I think she should be a blogger and share this stuff with the world. I've been a good example for her, haven't I?

"Okay, so I'm walking through the parking lot, about to go into the basement level at work. I see one of my coworkers, Dan, a little ahead of me. I'm sucking in all the fresh air I can get and enjoying the beautiful morning because I know I'll be trapped in the hospital all day.

"I get to the basement and I notice that Dan is far ahead of me now. He obviously has way longer legs than I do. So, I'm walking through the ground level of the hospital and I'm tired because I walk this same mile every morning--why does it take sooo long to get to those west elevators????

"I see Dan waaaay up the hallway and I'm mad because I know we're going to the same floor and I know how long it takes to get an elevator to come back to the ground floor. I realize he'll probably get one and then I'll have to wait wait wait. So, I finally make it to the elevators and lo and behold Dan is standing there, one leg in, one leg out of the elevator talking to somebody.

"Please wait!! I think to myself. But then the elevator starts making this awful noise. This horrible, loud, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" noise. I figured that the door had been open too long, and it was mad. But, it was still open--so I went for it.

"Right as I was about to walk through, it started closing. No biggie, I think. I took chemistry. I know that my body will break the line of photons going across the entrance of the elevator, therefore reopening the door so that I can make it up to my floor in a timely fashion. People do it aaaall the time.

"So, I step through anyway. But why did the door keep shutting?? And why did I find myself standing there, stuck between two doors?? And why was I saying "Oh my, oh my, oh my" like some freak show?? I was able to edge myself out, after what seemed like an eternity (by the way, Dan was just standing there with his mouth open, quite funny)--but backwards, not forwards!!!

"So, then I'm standing outside the elevator!!! It was gone!! I look to my left and see a doctor walking by. His laughs are still haunting my mind.

'All I could think about was the movie "Guess Who". Ashton Kutcher was in the elevator after quitting his job. He was talking to himself and hitting the walls and acting a fool. The security cameras caught it all and the security officers were having a hay-day watching it, making bets on what he'd do next.

"I thought about the security cameras that are outside and in the elevator and I thought about some of the officers I know who were, more than likely, having the time of their lives as they saw me wedged between the doors saying "oh my, oh my, oh my."

"Wow. Just another thing to add to my embarassing-moments list. Haha!"

That girl is a piece of work!
Posted by Katy on 09/08/05 at 11:09 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. hehehe...so funny!!!
    Posted by janejane  on  09/08/05  at  05:30 PM
  2. I didn't read "panty" anywhere in the story. Did we forget a part?

    Take Care
    Posted by Take CareMichael  on  09/08/05  at  07:55 PM
  3. You know, Michael, if a new reader were to stumble upon this post alone and read your comment before browsing the rest of the site . . . I bet there would be some serious eyebrow-raising going on. =P

    Katy, aren't you going to miss BlogBack?? I am!
    Posted by Amber  on  09/09/05  at  02:26 AM
  4. JaneJane--My little girl's a corker, huh?

    TakeCareMichael--My daughter's much classier than I am. She has her father's genes. I should be so fortunate! :)

    Amber--Only mild eyebrow-raising here! My hubby is frantically trying to get fallible set up on Expression Engine and export all the comments, etc. Hope it goes without a hitch! I sure wouldn't want to lose five years of entertaining and educational comments!!
    Posted by Katy  on  09/09/05  at  03:46 AM
  5. Katy, if you weren't so fallabulous Doug could probably concentrate more! Just tell him I said to keep up the good work... jacque and I will have to take you up on the dinner theatre! We miss you guys!

    I'll try to darken your door soon, in the mean time, if you want to have an inteligent conversation about my condition, google "inguinal hernia" I want all the info I can get!It's been a long year so far! Thanks for your concern and being a friend!

    Posted by Neal  on  09/09/05  at  06:33 AM
  6. She gets her writing "skillz" from you.
    Posted by Lynn  on  09/10/05  at  01:24 AM
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