Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
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Checkmark, Please!

I'm about to get to the part in the book "Getting Things Done" where David Allen tells me how to, well, get things done.

In the meantime, I'm resorting to my lifelong habit of making lists with no apparent actionable steps attached to any of the items listed.

Each day, at several junctures, I scan my yellow legal pad for items I can get done quickly and with only a modicum of effort, since I love little better than the lefthanded (read: backwards) checkmarks I am then able to tally up in the lefthand column.

Never mind that there are ridiculous items like "Write My Next Book!" which has to be the dumbest thing a writer ever wrote anywhere, to-do list notwithstanding.

I keep separate lists for home improvement projects, relationship stuff (like who to send thank-you notes to, and who to invite to lunch), and business matters. Usually, of course, even if I don't have a clue how to accomplish an item, I can at least read my own writing, and even that gives a boomer chick some small gratification.

Today, I reached for my financial to-do list, eager to check off "Call life insurance guy to up coverage." There, included with perfectly decipherable and understandable items like "Set up automatic bill pay" and "Switch credit cards," I found this:

"Capture lost dinly money!!!"

Yeah. You read it right. Dinly!!!

I've been staring at this random accumulation of consonants and vowel for the better part of an hour, struggling to imagine what kind of money dinly is, where I've misplaced it, how much I've lost, and how on earth I'll ever capture it in this lifetime. Not to mention how much more of it is being flushed down the proverbial financial toilet with every passing moment.

If you can help me out here, I'd appreciate it. The sooner I capture my lost dinly money, the closer I'll come to actually "Getting Things Done."
Posted by Katy on 11/12/04 at 08:45 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Is this a test?

    Can I make a guess?

    "Dial-up INternet Losey Yahoo" from the post you made in October?

    Take Care

    Posted by Michael  on  11/12/04  at  07:48 PM
  2. See, you think "dinly" is so weird; I think using the word "capture" in daily life is even more strange.
    Posted by Bruno  on  11/13/04  at  02:19 AM
  3. Whoa, Michael! I hadn't even THOUGHT of that...

    Bruno--I think so, too! It looks so weird on the page. I can't imagine what I meant by it. That said, I've been reading your blog, and as recently as Oct 12, you referred to "how I recaptured my hamster when he ran away." :)
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  11/13/04  at  03:49 AM
  4. "dinly" - double income no latent yearnings?
    Posted by Anne  on  11/13/04  at  06:48 AM
  5. i thought it must have something to do with eating, (dinner money? dining money?) which i think about more often than i probably should anyway. i am a list maker, too, and find supreme satisfaction captured when i am able to make my right-handed check mark (or line drawn through) an item. i confess, i have in my lifetime written down something i already did and proceeded to cross it off, as though i keep these lists for posterity, for generations after me to pore over - "so that's what great great grandmother did with a wednesday morning...". i digress...katy, i do hope you figure it out..if not, maybe you can chalk it up to adding things to your list while day dreaming.
    Posted by lisa  on  11/13/04  at  03:55 PM
  6. I have this habit, writing a lot, of words filling in by themselves. For instance, being a news writer I have written the word "murder" more times than I can to count. What happens often though is that I sometimes will be writing along and mean to write "murky" but "murder" comes out...out of habit.
    ( when you write stuff other people read on the air it's easy to remember when these incidents have occured- since they tend to come running in screaming, "He drowned in the murder waters of the.....What the *&$@# does that mean?"

    Anyway...any chance this could be one one of those type of typos..writos?

    Capture lost dinner moment?

    Just a thought.

    Posted by Michael Main  on  11/14/04  at  05:48 PM
  7. All of your guesses are much more imaginative that the truth! I finally figured out from other list items like "Set up automatic retirement contributions" that I was reading the book "The Automatic Millionaire" when I made the list. So, my freaky entry should read "Capture Lost DAILY Money!!!" In context of the book, that means figure out what my "latte-factor" is--that is, how much money is daily frittered away on stuff I don't need, money which could be put to more productive use...

    I still haven't captured it, though, so no check-mark for me!
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  11/17/04  at  05:13 PM
  8. Page 1 of 1 pages
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