Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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You know how they say that it's not so bad to talk to yourself, but when you start answering yourself, watch out?

It doesn't help that I've been alone for most of 48 hours, with only the voices of novel characters to keep me company. But still.

Just now, as I was coming to the end of a three-minute long stretch of procrastination and about to get back to my writing, I heard myself say these words out loud:

(Spoken in a snotty voice) "So, are you gonna' get back to it?"

(In an even snottier voice) "I don't know. Are you?"

So, it's official.
Posted by Katy on 10/01/03 at 09:21 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. we wer having dinner over at a friend's house a few years ago...kansas (age four or so) turned to our friend's wife and said out of the clear blue - "sometimes I talk to myself. Do you?"
    well, Jesus said we should be like children..it's not so bad, Katy ;)
    Posted by lisa  on  10/01/03  at  09:25 AM
  2. Lisa, Yes. I happen to know from general heresay and from personal experience that it could SO be worse! Your son Kansas and the things he says remind me a LOT of Scott as a child.
    Posted by katy  on  10/01/03  at  10:00 AM
  3. he's been described on more than one occasion as tenacious. i imagine that might sound familiar...?
    Posted by lisa  on  10/01/03  at  02:58 PM
  4. The word I used to use for Scott was "constant." See what I mean?
    Posted by katy  on  10/01/03  at  03:11 PM
  5. yep...i keep on believing that those 8-going-on-28, i'm the third parent, playground boss qualities will grow into something wise and wonderful in years to come...
    Posted by lisa  on  10/02/03  at  03:01 PM
  6. Lisa, He is well on his way to wise and wonderful!
    Posted by katy  on  10/03/03  at  07:49 AM
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