Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Celebrate Good Times!

Hey, guess what? That last post, according to my post counter, was Fallible’s Number 500!

And not only that—in the nearly 5 years since Fallible began, I’ve received 3244 comments. OK, some of those were my own, but still. You people are the greatest commenters anywhere.

On December 15, I’ll celebrate the fifth anniversary, but for today? Five hundred posts, baby!

Hope you’ve enjoyed them half as much as I have.

Posted by Katy on 11/09/05 at 01:47 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Uhhh . . well . . . I guess this place is ok if you're into literary brilliance and homespun wisdom. You don't really write much on sports, do you? You ought to do a whole blog on the KC Royals. Now that would be interesting. Personally, I'm just hanging around so I can be the 3,500th comment.
    Posted by Michael O'Connor  on  11/10/05  at  01:34 AM
  2. PS: (comment #3246) Is your RSS working? Fallible is not registering new blogs for about a week on my aggregator.
    Posted by Michael O'Connor  on  11/10/05  at  01:38 AM
  3. You owe yourself 500 points!!!!
    Posted by relevantgirl  on  11/10/05  at  01:52 AM
  4. Yes yes yes. Yay!!!
    Posted by Lynn  on  11/10/05  at  10:17 AM
  5. Congragulations! With so many equivocal voices saying nothing, you are vocal saying something. Thanks for that.
    Posted by Daniel  on  11/12/05  at  03:12 PM
  6. Michael Number Three--A couple weeks ago, Doug switched fallible over to expression engine. I think he said you need to sign up again for the now-correct RSS feed. I would have warned all you RSSees, but I didn't know to warn you because I don't exactly understand any of that stuff...Are you shocked? :)

    Relevant Mary--I love points! And gold stars! In fact, The Performance Driven Life appeals to me a LOT! Thanks for the 500. Now, where is Jeanne?

    Lynn--I am so pleased to have you among my readers. Thanks!

    Daniel--You've encouraged me. I've been tempted recently to hang up the blogging thing, worried I'm depressing everyone with my accounts of life's crummy circumstances. But I think I've realized you're all grown-ups, and you can take it if I lose my bearings every once in a while. I'm enjoying your site!
    Posted by Katy  on  11/12/05  at  07:57 PM
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