Calling All Writers!
Every once in a while here on fallible, I like to ask about the aspirations of my readers. Today is one of those days!
Particularly, I’d like to know how many of you are interested in becoming writers, and what you’re doing toward that end. Do you have goals you’re working toward incrementally? Baby steps, perhaps? Are you journaling or blogging to keep those juices flowing?
What about networking with other writers? Ever gone to a conference, either local or national? Joined a writers group or a critique group?
Taken any classes to work on your craft? Taken a chance and submitted an article to a magazine or newspaper?
One day soon, I hope to write more about my own journey toward publication. Every one who gets there has a personal story, you know. “The Call” from the agent saying “We’ve sold your book!” doesn’t come suddenly, or overnight. It’s often a process involving years of learning, rejection, dashed hopes and then—wonder of wonders!—acceptance and publication.
Are any of you so far along in your journey that you’re now waiting for The Call? I’d love to hear any bits of your story you’d like to share.
Posted by
Katy on 08/08/08 at 05:40 PM
Fallible Comments...
- Hmm. So, how's the editing coming along Miss-I've-Been-A-Busy-Bee-Blogger-Woman?!!
Well...I'm waiting for THE CALL, but some days I wonder if it's going to be, "You know that whole idea of your being a writer we talked about. . ." Oi Vay
Posted by Christa Allan on 08/09/08 at 02:20 AM
- I can do a lot of things, but writing isn't one of them. I will leave that to you and BJ and the others who are good at it. My great talent is reading!! I love a good book.
How is the editing coming, by the way?
Posted by Sandi Thompson on 08/09/08 at 05:30 PM
- I have a blog where I post funny stories based on my family life.I have had many readers tell me I should send them somewhere and see about getting them out into a book , but I have no idea where to send them. I am enjoying your blog , and have bookmarked it.
Posted by Ava Collett on 08/12/08 at 04:33 AM
- Hi Katy,
Being a definitely fallible woman, I'm stepping out of lurkdom to say that a Writing Monster awoke in me and has both invigorated and frustrated me by turns. I've been writing quite a bit...ok, a LOT, but am in the difficult work of revision. I guess I'm one for whom it's easy to "write hot" and a whole lot harder to look at that writing with a cool eye. Sometimes I cringe. Oy. I would love to hear from you, Katy, if you have time and are inclined!
God's blessings today.
Posted by Gwen on 08/12/08 at 12:25 PM
- Christa--I THINK I will be glad to be as far along as you are, but then again, I might be a nervous wreck! Can't wait to hear good news about your book.....
Sandi--Boy, am I happy there are READERS!! Maybe there's room for me as a writer. I hope so. The editing is coming along great. It's a very intimidating process at first, but then you find your groove. At least, I HOPE that's what I've found!!! Ha.
Ava--My husband read aloud to me your story of your mother dancing the tango with her inflatable boobs!! I thought we'd die laughing. You should google the Erma Bombeck conference. You'll find a link to an online community of humor writers who really might be able to help you along!!!
Gwen--I am emailing you, you delurker, you!! :)
Posted by Katy on 08/14/08 at 01:14 PM
- Hey , I'm glad ya'll liked the story about mama's boobs. She'd kill me if she knew I was telling that story! She passed away 17 years ago-I sure miss her. Thanks for the info about Erma Bombeck-I'll look it up.
Posted by Ava Collett on 08/15/08 at 12:47 AM
Middle of the night......can't sleep......dreaming those writer's dreams......asking the Lord for guidance.
Surfing the web for Christian writer's critique groups in KC and's your blog and "call" for discussion.
I don't believe in coincidence....only Godincidence.
Ready to start a new group? I am. Just tell me where and when.
Posted by Kiela Hudgins on 08/16/08 at 09:48 AM
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