Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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I got a call from my literary agent this morning. It’s freakish how much fun we have talking on the phone, about everything from Mother’s Day, to getting lost in the big city, to not being able to keep houseplants alive.

But I digress. Apparently, a lot.

The good news is that Rachelle has read my book and loves it! However, she’s got a few “ish,” ones she and I will clear up together before she starts submitting my manuscript in earnest.

“You go off on bunny trails,” she says.

“But did you see my post about going downtown to see American Idol’s David Cook?”

I KNOW she and her daughters are huge David Cook fans. She will want to talk about David Cook, right?

“Yeah, I did. Very cool, Katy. Now about the bunny trails…it happens most often during dialogue.”

“We TOTALLY got on the wrong bus leaving downtown. Ended up in kind of a scary part of town. There was a guy on the bus saying stuff into his cell phone like, ‘You’re my Tasmanian Devil, baby.’ Can you imagine?”

“No, honestly, I can’t,” Rachelle says. “Now, about your book, which—please remember—I really, really love. Sometimes, you have two lines of dialogue, followed by a bunny trail, and then another two lines, followed by another bunny trail.”

“We live on acreage, you know. TONS of bunnies,” I say. “I am not kidding, Rachelle. I can sit here near the window and count literally hundreds of bunnies in, like, an HOUR. You would not BELIEVE the bunnies!”

“I’m thinking we could do a bit of an edit on your book and deal with the bunny trails. It needs to happen.”

So she wasn’t calling about David Cook or taking the wrong bus or fear of killing my Mother’s Day orchid? This was sobering, indeed.

“Katy, the bunny trails have to go.”

“But…what about the bunnies?”

“We’ll build a hutch.”

Posted by Katy on 05/12/08 at 06:41 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy, I am SO privileged to be your agent! I can't stop laughing.

    Now go build some hutches and trap those bunnies!
    Posted by Rachelle Gardner  on  05/12/08  at  07:11 PM
  2. Too funny! What is your book about?
    Posted by Becoming Me  on  05/12/08  at  07:48 PM
  3. Bunny trails? I love it. This post was hilarious.
    Posted by Kathryn  on  05/12/08  at  08:34 PM
  4. Laughing hard over my computer keyboard. Though I'll agree that bunny trails are hard to avoid. It's great that you have such an awesome agent. Can't wait till I can grab your book in a bookstore!
    Posted by Gracie  on  05/13/08  at  12:29 AM
  5. This post made me smile today.. thank you!
    Posted by victoria  on  05/13/08  at  12:35 PM
  6. This is such exciting news. I am thrilled for you!
    Posted by mandy  on  05/14/08  at  07:19 PM
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