Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Bowled Over

walnut bowlI own a walnut bowl that's seen better lives. It's been waterlogged so many times its finish is marred beyond repair. I should have pitched it decades ago, but it's not going anywhere as long as I have breath.

It's not a walnut bowl at all. It's my grandmother's voice. She died when I was eighteen, and the bowl passed to me, along with the remembrance of those long and winding drives through the Ozark hills of Missouri and Arkansas when I was a child.

"Pat!" she'd exclaim with delight to my grandfather. "Walnut bowls, just another 1/2 mile up the road. Slow down, fast, or you'll miss it!"

To anyone else, it's a crummy old walnut bowl. To me, it's a voice in the wilderness crying, Slow down, fast, or you'll miss it.
Posted by Katy on 02/10/03 at 11:02 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. wow. mrs. raymond, you really have a way with words. who would have known a walnut bowl could inspire such a poetic entry?

    Posted by sara  on  02/10/03  at  12:39 PM
  2. Sometimes the most precious things seem so mundane to the rest of the "normal" world.<br><br>I must be very uncultured... I don't even know what a walnut bowl is. :(
    Posted by Maria  on  02/10/03  at  08:00 PM
  3. Sara--It couldn't be helped. When I saw it sitting on the kitchen counter, I realized that every time it appears, the same words go through my mind. I'm still enjoying your site!<br><br>Maria--It has NOTHING to do with culture! Tee, hee. It's just a large salad-sized bowl carved from a single piece of wood. In the Ozarks, roadside shops hawking walnut bowls appear approximately every 10 miles. But it's fun every time!
    Posted by katy  on  02/11/03  at  08:19 PM
  4. i must admit i wasn't familiar with walnut bowls either...i was thinking they must be some pretty small bowls if they're made from walnuts. :)
    Posted by bethany  on  02/11/03  at  11:25 PM
  5. Bethany, Funny you mentioned this. I have one of that kind of walnut bowl, too! Carved out of the nut, with the top half cut away until there's only a handle remaining. Like a little basket. I bought it in an Amish shop for my dollies to play with. So.
    Posted by katy  on  02/12/03  at  09:08 AM
  6. We've got something similar. An old bread board that belonged to my wife's grandmother. <br><br>We love it.<br><br>I haven't been here in a few days. I had forgotten how beautifully you write. What a joy.<br><br>peace,
    Posted by Real Live Preacher  on  02/25/03  at  03:35 PM
  7. Real Live Preach, Well, I'm hooked on your site. Even when you warn us you'll be out of town, I check in three times a day, just in case. Am praying for you Mum.
    Posted by katy  on  02/26/03  at  05:30 PM
  8. Preach, "Your mum," that is.
    Posted by katy  on  02/26/03  at  05:31 PM
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