Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Books, Glorious Books!

The delightful Mary DeMuth, herself the author of both fiction and non-fiction of the life-changing variety, has tagged me to play along with a book meme, and I cannot resist.

1. One book that changed your life.

“Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution.” (Hey, the meme didn’t specifiy we had to choose fiction titles!) It’s been eight years since I ate any sugar, and my life has changed completely. For the better. And the skinnier, too!

2. One book that you have read more than once.

“Trinity” by Leon Uris. An epic about the Irish struggles over many years, heavily based in fact. Fantastic storyteller, Uris. I remember my father reading this in the ‘70s, and now I own two copies of it. Who knows but what I might wear one out and need another?  :)

3. One book you would want on a desert island.

My French Bible. It’s perfect for wiling the hours away, languishing over a solitary phrase and mining it for meaning, or even an approximation of an accurate translation! Also, “My Utmost for His Highest,” by Oswald Chambers, or any excellent daily reading/devotional. While I’m not a fan of devotionals per se, if they are theologically sound and spiritually challenging, I love them. Plus, on that desert island, they sure would help me keep track of how many days had passed since I’d gotten stuck with only Wilson to talk to.

4. Two books that made you laugh.

I am a lifelong fan of anything by Erma Bombeck. And Dave Barry. As some of you will remember, I met Dave and had our affectionate encounter photographed. It was truly a highlight of my life. Maybe that doesn’t say too much for my life, but after that, I could honestly die happy.

5. One book that made you cry.

“My Sister’s Keeper” by Jodi Picoult. A story replete with complicated and fascinating family dynamics and an ending to die for. Literally.

6. One book you wish you’d written.

“What To Expect When You’re Expecting” or any of its subsequent incarnations. Can you say Cash Cow? If anyone has any fantastic ideas I could develop that would set me up for life, let me know!

7. One book you wish had never been written.

I remember starting Jonathan Franzen’s “The Corrections” and just having an eeeeky feeling while reading it. I thrive on dysfunction as much as the next chick, but enough is enough. Could not get that novel out of my life fast enough.

8. Two books you are currently reading.

“For Better Or For Worse” by my good friend Diann Hunt, and “The Year of Living Biblically” by A.J. Jacobs.

9. One book you’ve been meaning to read.

“A Steadfast Surrender” by my darling buddy Nancy Moser. I have an entire shelf dedicated to her books, all of which she’s signed for me. HOW, I ask you, have I neglected to read this one? Ah, well. These things happen.

How about you? If you post on your own blog, leave a comment here with a link. It’ll be fun to see your answers!!

Posted by Katy on 01/13/08 at 02:52 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Atkins, yes. Trinity, yes! I read Trinity years ago and still remember Conor Larkin. It was so good. Maybe I should do a re-read! :-)
    Posted by Suzan  on  01/13/08  at  03:58 PM
  2. Suzan--Trinity and Dr. Atkins are inexorably linked in my psyche. I must have read Trinity the first time right when I started low-carbing. THE line that stands out in my mind was spoken by Conor's mother as she laid out a modest meal for him and his compatriots. "Don't be afraid of the butter." Funny line, eh? I haven't been afraid of the butter since!! :)
    Posted by Katy  on  01/13/08  at  04:33 PM
  3. One of my favorite Christmas gifts of all time was a first edition copy of Trinity from my best friend last year.
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  01/13/08  at  07:07 PM
  4. This is a great meme. I might have to storeit away for a rainy day.

    And ... seriously ... 8 years, no sugar?! That's amazing and wonderful and envy inducing!
    Posted by Jennifer  on  01/13/08  at  07:13 PM
  5. i've been meaning to read The Year of Living Biblically..what do you think abaout it so far?
    Posted by lisa  on  01/14/08  at  01:32 PM
  6. I'm curious about the Year of Living Biblically too. I heard an interview with the author on NPR that made me think of it as some sort of grim comedy...is it a serious book or a joke?
    Posted by terri  on  01/15/08  at  03:24 PM
  7. Carrie K--What a treasure--and a treasured friend! Don't you love it so much when someone knows you that well?

    Jennifer--8 years on Feb 2. No kidding. I lost a boatload of weight, and have managed to keep off almost 50 pounds. Another 18 is gained and lost over and over. ;) When I do gain, it's because I'm eating TOO MUCH food, or have allowed too many carbs to creep in. But sugar is a complete no-no for me, and I am SO much healthier for it!!

    lisa and terri--I'm maybe 1/3 of the way through and haven't peeked at the ending to see his conclusions about his experiment. He claims at the beginning to be an agnostic Jew. He admits as he begins engaging in prayers of thanksgiving, supplication, praise, and repentance that he's starting to soften to the idea of God. But it's hard to take his experiment seriously, and neither do I very often find it LOL funny. I am looking forward to finding out whether his life was permanently changed in any way as a result of his "year."
    Posted by Katy  on  01/16/08  at  05:14 PM
  8. I love how hearing about people's reading habits helps me to know them!
    Posted by D'Ann Mateer  on  01/17/08  at  11:52 AM
  9. My Sister's Keeper was almost more than I could bear. She's a great writer, though. I couldn't put it down.
    Posted by Alison  on  01/17/08  at  05:32 PM
  10. Thanks for the suggestion. ;)
    Posted by 89  on  02/16/08  at  03:23 PM
  11. The whole list is perfect, apart from the Atkin's diet - I've heard lots of contriversy and skepticism surrounding the real benefits and dangers of it.
    Posted by No Sugar No White Flour Dieting  on  03/04/08  at  07:55 AM
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