Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Bloggin Idiot and Bloggin Bridget…

The Bloggin' B's have led the way, folks! For some reason, my second post about Carrie's graduation stopped the comments at 40. There's no explaining this technology.

I'm going to go one more round, till the comments limit kicks in. Bloggin Idiot and Blogging Bridget, only one more comment from each of you will actually result in a dollar accrued to Carrie's account. But feel free to send your friends her way!

Thanks, Michael Take Care, for posting about this on your site! It's been a huge and fun success!

And now, kind readers, the mother of the graduate is heading off to beddy-bye-bye...
Posted by Katy on 05/14/05 at 10:00 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy - I got a 50 count on that last post. No short changing. Blogback just can't keep up with the blogin B's.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  04:09 AM
  2. I handed Carrie 30 bucks when she headed back to school because the comments were at 24 at the time, and I thought that would cover the rest. Little did I know that Bridget and Michael were so committed to Haitian orphans! (or maybe just committed to a Raymond bankruptcy.) Carrie just called and couldn't believe that the comments went over 100 in just the time it took to drive back to MU. She says "thanks guys!"
    Posted by Doug Raymond  on  05/15/05  at  04:36 AM
  3. here's my token post, carrie. don't say i never gave ya' nothin'.
    Posted by sco  on  05/15/05  at  04:37 AM
  4. i have to give her another dollar too - its what a good sister-in-law would do.
    Posted by brooke  on  05/15/05  at  05:01 AM
  5. I know what its like starting out and making every dollar count so here you go!
    Posted by Paige Watkins (Brookes sister)  on  05/15/05  at  05:26 AM
  6. ???

    Is this thing stuck?

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  09:41 PM
  7. Congrats Carrie!! You're sugar and spice (cinnamon) and everything nice. Enjoy the "real world"...it's fun...as if I would know yet. Now to Raymonds: good to see y'all again. Enjoyed the Mexican dip and the physics conversation. Add another buck to the total for me.

    Posted by Stormy Weathers  on  05/15/05  at  09:58 PM
  8. I hope everyone's Sunday has been good.

    Is this thing on?

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/15/05  at  10:32 PM
  9. Yea, I finally get a chance to post again! Sorry I missed the fundraiser last night..I was driving home while it was going on! Wow, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everybody (especially to Aunt Bridget and Blogin Idiot...way to work the system!) This has been so much fun and I have read every last comment. Great stuff! Now, this one still has over 40 left...might as well fill 'er up, right? He he. I will be sure to put all of my Haiti pics up on my website when I return. Thanks again everybody! Have a good couple of weeks!
    Posted by Carrie  on  05/15/05  at  10:42 PM
  10. Well, here's my post of the day! Good to hear from you, Carrie! Bloggin' Idiot and I (now known as Bloggin' Bridget!) had a blast last night! Too bad you were driving and didn't enjoy all the fun. I'll send my friends your way!
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/16/05  at  12:22 AM
  11. Hey Carrie darling!!! I am always knew that you would be a millionare, and this is how!!!! Here's a dollar!!! ~Baillie*
    Posted by Baillie  on  05/16/05  at  01:12 AM
  12. Hey baby!!! I'm getting you money, so love me forever!!!! hee hee, j/k
    Posted by Baillie  on  05/16/05  at  01:13 AM
  13. Mother said that I can only do like 5, so I am going to make these 5 count and comment like I normally do on people's sites!!! I hope that you have a wonderful time in Haiti, and feel wonderful, b/c you're helping people!!!! Enjoy the experience, b/c it is just another story that you can tell your grandkids!!!
    Posted by Baillie  on  05/16/05  at  01:15 AM
  14. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz........lalalalalala *clears throat*......and now to introduce you to the newest college graduate!!! congrats!!! You survived!!!!! You may be bed-ridden for a couple years, but your still w/ us!!!!
    Posted by Baillie  on  05/16/05  at  01:18 AM
  15. I suppose that I will scadattle, beings as this is my last allowed comment, and I think that I am going to watch a chick flick this lovely evening. Those are always the best!!!! If you really want to get someone with a water balloon, you need to fill it w/ pudding, just in case you have never seen "Now and Then".....those balloons have other uses too!!!! hee hee!!! I guess I will not bore you w/ my randomness anymore, and I'm glad that I could help earn you $5!!!! Score!!!
    Posted by Baillie  on  05/16/05  at  01:21 AM
  16. Directed here by Blogin_Idiot! Good luck to your daughter! They get into your pocketbook one way or another!
    Posted by Lolly  on  05/16/05  at  01:32 AM
  17. Thanks to Michael here is my comment! God bless you.
    Posted by Hope  on  05/16/05  at  01:59 AM
  18. Happy volunteering!
    Posted by Jackie  on  05/16/05  at  02:04 AM
  19. Lolly and Hope
    You ladies are wonderful.

    Carrie - We tried to get Katy and Doug to post more but they won't bite to our banter.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/16/05  at  02:18 AM
  20. Hmmmmm.....The rules specifically state that Bloggin' Bridget and Bloggin' Idiot were not allowed to post any longer.....nothing was said about me, however. Go, Carrie!
    Posted by Jim  on  05/16/05  at  02:22 AM
  21. Funny thing about rules....there's almost always a way around them. Hi, Katy. :)
    Posted by Jim  on  05/16/05  at  02:23 AM
  22. Meow. (Translation: "Go, Carrie!")
    Posted by Foggy, the cat in Warrensburg  on  05/16/05  at  02:24 AM
  23. Arf-Arf. (Translation: Hi, Katy.)
    Posted by Lanie, the Westie dog in Warrensburg  on  05/16/05  at  02:25 AM
  24. Woof-Woof. (Translation: Sorry, Doug.)
    Posted by Angus, the Scottie dog in Warrensburg  on  05/16/05  at  02:25 AM
  25. Meow, Meow. Translation: "Carrie, Carrie, bo-bary, me-my, mo-mary...fe-fy, fo-fary...Carrie."
    Posted by Brownie, Dylan's cat at "the farm"  on  05/16/05  at  02:32 AM
  26. Purrrrr. Translation: "I am proud of Carrie's desire to help others."
    Posted by Bubbles, Baillie's cat at "the farm"  on  05/16/05  at  02:35 AM
  27. For each pet comment, maybe we'll just give Carrie an extra handful of puppy chow. I'm sure the pets in Haiti are hungry as well. ;)
    Posted by Doug Raymond  on  05/16/05  at  02:38 AM
  28. Gotcha to comment, Doug! Another dollar from you! (And from me, too!) PS...I'm sure there's just as many orphaned dogs and cats in Haiti as humans. :(
    Posted by Jim  on  05/16/05  at  02:40 AM
  29. Hello, Carrie and Katy! It's Bridget's friend, Erica. This is such a creative and thoughtful idea, I just HAD to post a comment. Carrie, best of luck in Haiti. What an incredible thing you are doing!
    Posted by Erica  on  05/16/05  at  02:55 AM
  30. Carrie, have an incredible 2 weeks! (and I REALLY like JIM's thought about pet orphanages-- if you can, save a couple of cats for me... I LOVE CATS!)
    Posted by ELH  on  05/16/05  at  03:00 AM
  31. Hi, Carrie. My name is Tigger. I'm a beautiful, brown, striped cat. I live in Concordia with my beloved mommy, Erica. I wish you well in Haiti. What a PURRRRFECT idea, Katy, to do this for your daugher!
    Posted by Tigger, the most beautiful cat in Concordia  on  05/16/05  at  03:10 AM
  32. This is Jody, one of Jim's friends. Good luck in Haiti....Thought I'd help you earn another dollar.
    Posted by Jody  on  05/16/05  at  03:14 AM
  33. I haven't chimed in since the beginning and the clock is running out. tick-tock. tick-tock. or more appropriate with me: cuckoo-cuckoo.
    And it's not blogaholic. that would assume you have alcohol in your blog. What a soggy blog. it's blogaddict. (see my post of last week. I'm sure you'll relate.)
    Posted by Paula  on  05/16/05  at  03:17 AM
  34. Oh, and Carrie: passport, shots, clean socks, phone card, etc. Hope you're making that list and checking it twice!
    Posted by Paula  on  05/16/05  at  03:18 AM
  35. Congratulations, Carrie, and many blessings (and one more dollar!) for your trip to Haiti!!
    Posted by Chris(tine)  on  05/16/05  at  06:16 AM
  36. The fields are ripe for the harvest but the laborers are few. Let this be my contribution to the wages of one laborer. My dollars worth.
    God bless your efforts.
    Posted by Clarence  on  05/16/05  at  08:24 AM
  37. I have finally brought my brother-in-law Jim out of lurkdom! (He thinks he's brought me out....tee, hee!) And my daughter-in-law Brooke's sister, Paige! And my sister Bridget's friend Erica! Welcome to all, old and new...

    Carrie--Can you use phone cards in Haiti? I can't remember...How will you call us? You will call us, right??? I know you've got your shots and pills, so I won't bug you about that again...Take an ace bandage for your iffy ankle, OK? Oh, wait, ace bandages cost a few bucks...Anyone else want to leave a comment buck?

    Thanks to all...this has been delightful!
    Posted by Katy  on  05/16/05  at  02:13 PM
  38. Are you positive my comments don't count any more? Bloggin' Idiot and I were on such a roll? :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/16/05  at  04:05 PM
  39. Of course Baillie, Jim, the animals and Erica did a nice job in my absence!
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/16/05  at  04:08 PM
  40. Best wishes, Carrie, and I'll keep you in my prayers!

    What a gracious, supportive family you have!

    Terre d'Esprit
    Posted by t  on  05/16/05  at  04:23 PM
  41. Have a safe trip! (Bridget is typing this, but the comment is from Mary. Bridget called her, as Bridget feels that this comment section is biased against those who are computer-illiterate and those who do not have computers.)
    Posted by Aunt May-Mare  on  05/16/05  at  06:45 PM
  42. Carrie,
    Wuz up?
    Posted by Adam  on  05/16/05  at  06:46 PM
  43. I liked coming to your house and playing with the dog. Love, Connor
    Posted by Connor  on  05/16/05  at  06:47 PM
  44. !@()#&*(@q$/($&#)$/q#)&#$/()#$&)q#@$&
    Posted by Chander  on  05/16/05  at  06:47 PM
  45. Hi!
    Posted by Cash  on  05/16/05  at  06:48 PM
  46. I'm so impressed that you graduated from MU!
    Posted by Cathy (from Mary's work)  on  05/16/05  at  06:49 PM
  47. I'll see you as soon as my Daddy gets partial custody. :)
    Posted by Ashley  on  05/16/05  at  06:50 PM
  48. Aunt May-Mare? She's never even SEEN fallible in the flesh, and yet somehow--miraculously--here she is!! And Adam? Is that the Adam who comments here, or my nephew Adam? And Aunt May-Mare's three grand-kids, some of whom can't even talk, much less type?? What gives, you people?

    You're incorrigible, that's what!

    Hi, Cathy at Mary's work!
    Posted by Katy  on  05/16/05  at  06:53 PM
  49. Ashley, too! All four of Aunt May-Mare's grandkids have stepped up. Gotta love it...
    Posted by Katy  on  05/16/05  at  06:55 PM
  50. Th-th-th-that's all folks! $150 for Carrie Kathleen Raymond! You did a great job on the comments dance, everyone--let's do it again sometime! Too much fun...thanks to each one here!
    Posted by Katy  on  05/16/05  at  06:57 PM
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