Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Black Friday—Deal Or No Deal?

I don’t do Black Friday. I just don’t.

It’s a matter of principle, really. The principle is that I’m very extremely short, or at least it sure feels that way when I’m surrounded by giants cramming their way through a store’s door. The air down here gets awfully thin, and I tend toward hyperventilation. I’m afraid the rushing, crushing throngs will pop the lunch bag I use to manage my breathing, and that would be a true crisis, don’t you think?

I did try a bit of Amazon Black Friday shopping, though. One item interested me. It went on sale at precisely 8 am, and the sale ended at 9 am. One whole hour of leisurely online shopping. I poured a cuppa and waited for 8 am. Clicked “buy” the second the clocked rolled over the time. Too late! The item had already sold out.

On a lark—since I have to go up into town to the bank and post office—I asked Doug to call Westlake Hardware about an advertised power washer we could REALLY use to clean all the newly exposed surfaces of our garage floor and basement floor, not to mention our expansive front porch and our house’s siding.

The store had ONE power washer—the display model without a box—and they AREN’T offering rain checks! I think this is a bizarre policy for a store to have on ADVERTISED day-after specials, especially when retailers claim their whole year’s bottom line rests largely on this one day.

Ah, well. I remember now why I don’t do Black Friday. But I’m curious. Did you venture out, or online? Any luck actually getting what you went for? See any brawls break out?

I’ll give the frenzy a couple days to die down, and then take a run at it. Frenzy and I just don’t get along well. It SURE doesn’t make me feel in the holiday spirit—whatever that is.

If you can define “holiday spirit,” I’d like to know about it. Does it have ANYTHING to do with Black Friday? I’m thinking it’s GOT to be something else altogether, something that doesn’t involve sleep deprivation, fisticuffs, and surliness. And really awful Christmas music.

What do you think?

Posted by Katy on 11/23/07 at 09:28 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katie, I don't do Black Friday either. I am content to do my shopping (which is very limited) during the week when the crowds are smaller.

    Of course, today I couldn't go anyway. I've got a book due on Monday and still have a ways to go.

    Posted by Robin Lee Hatcher  on  11/23/07  at  10:19 AM
  2. Well, Baillie and I did our power shopping on Wednesday. I set my alarm for Friday at 3:30am, but woke up and decided it just wasn't worth it. I'm too old to fight the crowds. We did go out later in the day Friday and bought a big screen TV, which, remarkably was still available and still on sale. Somehow, I'd rather pay a couple extra dollars than get trampled trying to get something that may not even be there anyway.
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/01/07  at  09:38 AM
  3. nice article! thank you!
    Posted by trade show displays  on  02/22/08  at  06:47 PM
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